I love the end of dead weeks cause then the miracles come.

I have a question for yous.

If you saw the Savior and could ask one question what would you ask?

(I'm serious. Answer this question)

This past week was a good one. Stay tuned we have a guest writer this week 💕

Wednesday Thursday and Friday Sister Houston had swollen eyes the size of Texas... not even kidding it looks like shed gotten two black eyes and we had no idea why. So she got permission to sleep it off and stay at the flat. So we only escaped to teach our two lessons on Thursday. Other than that I deep cleaned out our pantry but can I tell you that was a spiritual experience. Yeah gross I know. But first one of our lessons was with a returning member who really wants to go see the Book of Mormon Musical (not cause she hates the church but because shes curious why it's really "so bad") we told her not too and then she said she couldn't be bothered cause tickets were like $80 dollars now.. small tender mercies of expensive tickets 😂. But then she also just shared her biggest desire to get back to the temple so she can feel her family close again. She gets it and shes Samoan and I love her and she loves me cause I can pronounce her name. (Thank you to every samoan that I have served around for teaching me how to speak). Temple recommend here we come!! For my Samoan sister! 💕
Ok back to the spiritual experience while cleaning out the cabinets. This flat we live in is old as. Not even kidding the paint on the walls is falling off... it's bad. But all goods. I dont think anyone had cleaned out those cupboards in... I dont even want to guess cause I'd say at least a year.. if not these past sisters were nasty as. But it was the grossest thing, but then looking in the cupboards now I so satisfying that I dont even remember what they looked like before (mainly cause they were so nasty and I didnt want to remember it) but that's how we are sometimes our lives are cluttered with things we dont need, broken things that we will "fix later", old things, rotten things that we just need to chuck in the bin. As I was throwing out half the things in there I was thinking what in my life do I need to throw away? And there is quite a bit that I needed too! I really just needed to take it back to the basics! Take it back to what God wants me to do and not think of all the things I needed to do. So thank you Sister Houston for being sick so that I could declutter the kitchen and also declutter my life of those unnecessary, old, broken things to make room for the things I do really need in my life.

Saturday we left the house WOOHOO. We did a few visits and such and then we went to the jetty.. GOLD MINE. It was the nicest night ever! Everyone was out and we actually got to talk to people!!

Sunday we had church, went to the jetty again cause it was a perfect weekend and met this cool girl named Olive that really wants to help us get out and go on hikes here.. kinda chuckled to myself.. I'm not sure if shes been on a really hike or not, but hey I am just a visitor here!! 😉 she was super sweet though! That was a good day as well because we went to a members house and chatted with her about the Book of Mormon and she has just realized what I realized a little bit ago that the Book of Mormon had an answer for EVERYTHING and its better than Google. So we had a beautiful conversation about the Book of Mormon!! Its my favorite thing to talk about because my testimony of it is concrete now!

Monday was a good time. We were doing bus finding to do follow ups. And we finally found a bus that had people on the way home... and I hop on talking to our friends at the bus stop and Sister Houston hops ok after me, and she can't find her metro card so she hops off and the driver starts to drive away and I ask to hop off. It was the funniest thing ever!! Sister Houston had a little panic attack and I died of laughter!! Shes wild! Glad I didnt leave her behind cause I was kinda hungry!! GUEST WRITER!!! here's the story from Sister Houstons side.

Lost, Companionless, and Me Being Dramatic:
So this past week I had a small heart attack. My companion and I were at a bus stop talking to people and I forgot to get my bus card out and ready. The bus pulls up and my companion hops on and starts talking to people. At this point I was stumbling through my bag looking for my bus card. I couldn't find it so I had to get off. I tried to make eye contact with my companion but she couldn't see me. I got off and my jaw dropped as the bus pulled away.. with my companion..
And the SIM card.... I had a small heart attack and waited for about three seconds. The longest three seconds of my life and then finally the bus stopped and my companion was walking back towards me. Thankfully she had noticed I had gotten off. Blessings

Then we did a few more visits and went to see a returning members non member wife (I hope you followed that) and what was so cool she is keen to come but her husband not so much... so the way to get them to church is through the non member which is so funny you'd think it'd be the other way around hey? But we also spent 30 minutes talking about their aquarium so we now have a foot in the door at least!!

Monday.. oh wow. We saw an ad for sand sculpting and was like YES we can sculpt a book of mormon, everyone has seen the BOM musical ads that's perfect. So we go to the jetty and cant find ANYONE doing scultping so that's cool... oh well the effort was there. So we had district council and did a training on alma 18 and how it's the perfect missionary lesson! It was awesome! I hope the elders enjoyed it cause Sister Houston and I did!! We then went to visit a few members the elders asked us too. One family has a 14 year old girl named Jordyn... kinda a cool name hey?? Well we are best friends and I love them!! They are going on holiday to Canberra but when they get back we are gonna do FHE with them and get referrals galore!! So excited!! Then dinner with the Gabeharts that ended in the worst singing of hymns I have ever heard in my life... not even kidding my ears were bleeding! Great day!!
Sister Houston has been on a roll this week and we have been dying laughing. Laughter is the best medicine in the world!! I love serving with her!! We talk about adventures back at home ALL THE TIME. Not in a trunky way but in a I want to be your best friend when we go home way!! I love her and am so glad God decided to put us together this transfer!!

Also funniest story, I'll tell you this now 100% of you wont laugh but I am laughing now and have been all day cause of it. We were visiting a returning member and she lives in a complex so we were looking for a spot to park and Sister houston was giving me directions (but to give you back round she hasnt proved herself to be good direction giver, dont worry I still love her) so I said "arent those only peoples parking". And so sassy she says, "well we are people arent we?" And we lost it. I seriously had to put the car in park cause I couldn't keep my foot on the brake!! We died because I'm an idiot and said people instead of Tennant but all is well right.. was I right? None of you laughed. And 90% of you didnt even read it.. dont worry I'll laugh about this when I read it when I get home!! It was awesome.

Also another funny story. Sister Houston forgets things all the time so before we were praying at night I said, "ok dory" and she got all mad about me calling her that then took a second and responded "wait... that kinda suits me" I love this girl!!

Heaps of funny stories about her this week.

Love you all
Xoxo Sister Standage 

I love Sister Houston I hope you do too after these photos 💕


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