Book of Mormon

Gday (I hope you know no one really says that here) 

Thursday was zone conference. And it was all about Baptism and the Book of Mormon the 2 biggest things for missionaries. All transfer (or zone conference to zone conference) we study a topic this time it was baptism. President Marquis randomly (as directed by the spirit) calls on missionaries to talk as we have all prepared a 10 minute talk on it. And what do ya know I got called up. I talked about my baptism the day before the 4th of July and the whole state of Utah was celebrating my baptism with parades and BBQ, and fireworks. Cause it's such a super cool thing to be baptized right? (Well it is but 4th of July was also the next day so...) but it was great, that was my 3rd talk I've given at a zone conference. Maybe my last(?). It was all really good and a great boost to go out and share the Book of Mormon really "thrusting in the sickle" but we were asked by the assistants to prepare a 5 minute mini lesson on a topic from PMG about the book of mormon. We chose questions of the soul. We roleplayed with Elder Hay and Elder Davison (and for all of you who dont remember cause I'm sure literally none of you do, he was the one who knocked the wind out of me so bad at our mission conference a few months ago! #goodtimes) but it was really good, and they prepared the wrong thing so in essence they just copied our role play and called it good. Gotta love elders hey?? But it was a great conference!

Friday we had weekly planning, did a lot of follow up and had great success, I've never really had that great of follow ups before! Got 2 return appointments and a few come back another days. So they weren't no. That was good. Then dinner with a member who gives us 3 course meals and I can barely finish 1/2 of the first course but it always tastes so good so I walk out 10 kilos heavier.. I love the ward grandmas 💕

Saturday was a lot of follow ups with a lot of success again!! And 1 huge failure. Sister Sison as sweet as she is is very naive and was getting hit on by this old aussie bloke and didnt even realize it. I was being kind of rude just trying to get out of the conversation but she just wouldn't stop talking she thought he was golden.. the only thing golden about that contact was the gold ring he wanted to put on her finger. She got mad at me on the way to the car actually and told me that I was dumb, etc. Until i told her he was flirting then she backed down a bit and realized i wasn't as dumb as she thought... was kinda funny, but now she knows that when I'm like that its cause I know the people here a bit better.. (gotta love this land down under right?) We went to dinner with the family we are teaching with the son who is on date for baptism. And it was world war 3 over a school project.. (dear mom and dad, kids are the same all around the world.) And so we jumped in and helped pepi finish his project and get the things done that he wanted to get done. #sistersandwichsavestheday
(Sorry I dont know what my deal is with hashtags right now, I'll stop)

Sunday was fantastic, probably a day to remember forever really. I had to give a talk in sacrament and it was unreal, Maddy a young woman we are working with to help her get baptized talked as well, the our ward mission leaders son in law. And it was the trifecta of talks. Maddy and Brendens talks were incredible!!! And mine was sandwiched in between!! It was awesome! Easily my favorite sacrament meeting on my mission!! After that we had to teach young women's and we chose the topic, how can I prepare to be a good wife and mother... well funny story cause I'm neither a wife nor mother so we helped the young woman see what we are doing to prepare. The biggest thing for me and that I wish I knew at a younger age was the power of the Book of Mormon as I liken it to myself. Because as you do that there is SO MUCH power behind those words, there is power behind the words when you dont liken it but as you do the power is amplified 100 times. So we read a story and changed the words to practicing for dance. Since all the YW dance. It was so cool and they'd never really thought of it like that before. Everyone all the time tells you to liken it to yourself but no one really explains or tells how. Yeah you can change a name here or there but the power comes when you can relate a whole story to something in your life. Its powerful because you can see the outcome, you can solve the problems before they are even problems!! We showed them how they can relate the book and hopefully got them to love the book of mormon and really read it at a younger age. Cause I read it but I was just reading words. We then had coordination and Brother Smith was back and I was so happy!! I missed his stories and his teachings. I asked him a few weeks ago what I can do to be a better missionary, and he first said a few weeks ago, "That Heavenly Father thinks I am enough, I am good enough" but then I asked him to think on it really and get back to me. And he did. On Sunday he said, "Heavenly Father will ALWAYS have something better for you" (that may not be super profound for you but here in Australia when President Nelson came Sister Nelson gave a talk on recieving "something better" if we ask heavenly father for it. But that's the catch we have to ask. That really motivated me. I have seen miracles and some great things here in Australia but these last couple weeks I am going to find those better things that are waiting ahead! It was a really good Sunday!

Monday we did a lot of follow ups then had a lesson with the sweet 10 year old whose on date, it was incredible we finished the restoration and then we had dinner and after dinner we read a little from the book of mormon and this kid gets it. We read 10 verses but he understood it and how they connect and relate. Hes brilliant!! 💕 then we had FHE with another family of the young woman we are helping prepare for baptism. They are awesome and have a 13 year old son who isnt keen for the church but said I was cool so ya know maybe we can help him get there too with his sister? (Spencer hes exactly like you. So I may need some help!) But it was super fun we made banana muffins, and they turned out perfect!!

Tuesday was one of the best district councils I've been to we just really focused on our purpose. As missionaries all we do is invite, invite, invite our success is in inviting. We can only bring the peace of the gospel unto peoples hearts but as they open their hearts they are the ones who can bring it into their hearts. No matter how great of a teacher I may be people have their agency. It was really good every participated alot! Then we did heaps of follow ups and that was good fun. We met Samara from Brazil, shes Buddhist and we talked about the plan of salvation with her, but I think she taught me something she said that true happiness doesnt come from anything or anyone else. It comes from you. Your happiness cant depend on some material thing or else it's not true happiness. That idea wasn't a new thought but the way she explained it was very powerful and enlightening. Then we had dinner with the Gabeharts! We practiced explaining the Book of Mormon to them as they pretended they weren't members. It was funny and Brother gabehart went hard on us, which was funny because Sister Sison hadn't ever been "Bible Bashed" before and had no idea what to do... it was great!

It was a great week where all I focused on was the Book of Mormon. In everything it was about the Book of Mormon. And I'm not expert but I'm getting there. It has been incredible to share and to help others find that love for the Book of Mormon this week as well. I hope you all take the chance to read it, even just the 1st chapter. If you dont get it let me know. Cause it's really just a story about you! 💕 I know it can answer any question we have even about what to do for exercise!! (1 nephi 2:9) continually running. Read it, it has answers!! I promise. And if it doesnt feel free to share your question with me and I'll help you find those answers you need!

I love you all. I'm freezing. But I'm loving it down here. Seeing so many miracles from training. Learning and growing myself. Training is like being a spiritual mom. As a nanny you're taking care of peoples physical wellbeing but being a trainer is mainly focusing on their spiritual wellbeing. And that's a bit draining really. But it's been good learning and growing together with Sister Sison, it's been a challenge and bit of a culture shock for both of us but it's been good. And we are seeing the fruits of our labors (and continuing fruits from Sister Houston and I) already.

Sister Standage

"Sweet" little bibi
The sunset after the storm!! 
REAL MEXICAN FOOD. 15 MONTHS LATER AND IVE FOUND IT. still dreaming of taco bell (and chick fil a and Texas roadhouse and every American restaurant really)
FHE with the Hansens


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