
ya its 2:45 am and i'm writing this. people have told me to get on the missionary schedule and all that to prep. but i have 18 months to go to bed early, get up early, and be in sight or sound of another girl. so ya know i'm gonna stay up late, sleep in, and be alone while i can. i gotta enjoy this.

but in all that mission prep i am not doing mentioned above i am doing some shopping and let me tell y'all it is hard to find something cute, comfy, lightweight, good for biking, and will last a hot minute on my mission.

ok ok i know y'all are gonna say. jord really?! you're worried about your clothes? you're ridiculous, you aren't even gonna care once you get there. but let me tell ya this. i will. i really will. not for the reason i want to impress people cause heck i couldn't care less about that. i do it for me. i get ready for me. i look presentable for ME. if i look good i feel good, get more things done and just have a better day honestly. and if i look like a scrub i'll act like a scrub and no one wants that.

i have found a few things that I LOVE. but gosh. SHOES.


y'all i don't wear close toed close heeled flats. i don't i absolutely hate them and own 0 pair. they aren't comfy to me, they aren't flattering (in my opinion ok y'all calm down you look great, i just hate them on my feet). i pray that my mission is a sandal mission cause 1 my toes will love me and i won't get ingrown toenails (ya sorry i get em all the time in the winter cause i can't wear open toe shoes).

heaven help me. if any of y'all know of a place that has good sister missionary shoes that aren't ballet flats. PLEASE TELL ME. i will take all the advice i can get cause that is where i am slacking MAJOR

xoxo sister standage


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