I'm home

My last day in the city was good but kinda sad honestly, started crying saying goodbye to sister Brooks and Lousi, they are incredible unofficial trainers that I had, I learned so much from them and will miss them and Elder Li (the greatest elder ever, he is so funny and would always make fun of me in Mandarin class.. we best be best friends when we get home!) but......

Literally last week when I stepped off the plane I was at home, I actually almost started crying because I saw Elder Norman and man have i missed my MTC family!! They are the greatest people in the world, and i'm so happy i get to serve around elder norman again for a little while at least. Sister Starling had leadership trainings so i hung out while she did that cause there aren't any other sisters here in alice! but after that we jumped right in and started visiting everyone! I am obsessed with these people here! This will be a good transfer (and next cause they never flush Alice) but i guess i can't say never.. it could happen.. I mean there are two American Sisters in Alice and that has never happened before either! 

My first full day here was so much biking and running around meeting people, but my favorite part was helping a sweet lady clean her house for inspections. It needed a lot of work and we got to help her clean, we didn't even start to make a dent in the work needed but it felt so good to do service out here. (remember when i said i would stick to humanitarian trips and not a mission...well alice springs is both) i felt so at home and that i was doing so much more than in the city. the city doesn't ever get to do service cause there isn't really a way. but out here we do and i am so excited 

thursday we went door knockin.. man i love door knocking. I am terrible at it so any and all advice is so helpful since ive only ever done street contacts, but  we had some good convos didn't get that many potentials but the relationships were way better than in the city!! I love this place more everyday! 

Saturday we were biking around cause all of our plans were falling through but we went to visit one of the recent converts and on our way home we were biking past the gap which if you know about kanab or moab it looks about the same as that but there was a few trees a lot of red sand and rock and the sunset. the sunset was a dream i am sorry utah has good sunsets but alice springs sunsets are incredible. I will never get over those! 

sunday was great! I got to bare my testimony.. surprise surprise, but someone come up with a new backstory for me because everyone makes fun of me cause im "another one" from utah... there are too many here and that have been here.. also that night president marquis texted us and just made our night. i honestly know that these wonderful people were sent to this mission for me. I love them with all my heart already!

Alice springs is a dream come true but it is hard to see what works teaching people here so honestly please help if you have good stories or ways to teach the gospel in easy terms or in fun ways please send me ideas we need all the help we can get. you are my resources since i cant use the internet here.

I love alice springs so much and know that god and president marquis answered my prayers and sent me here for a reason. I am excited to find that reason but i know god answers prayers because i prayed everyday for 6 weeks that i could come here because i had heard so many incredible things about this town, the people, the branch, i didn't want to miss out on anything. And god answered my prayers and sent me here. I should be here for awhile and i'm excited to see how the branch and how i grow these next few months. I know god will answer your prayers if you are praying with a sincere heart. might not always be in your way or your time but they are always answered!! 

happy birthday syd sparks and happy wedding ash!

ash.. my companion is literally your twin!! i'll share more next week, but actions, dancer, style everything is the same.. i love it!! :) feels like im in st george with you ;)

xoxo sister standage

1 alice springs day one
2 my cute companion
3 the before of my shoes (its day 3 wearing them and its already so bad)​​​​​​​


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