
Pretty full on week this week. 

And most important news first I AM AN AUNT I'M AN AUNT I'M AN AUNT. AYDEN THOMAS STEINER WAS BORN ON THE 14TH. He looked like a little alien in the first photo but don't worry hes the cutest thing in the world now! 💕 ok now back to missionary work

Thursday was pretty cool actually. We asked a lady we are teaching, Deanne, for referrals. She gave us 2 her mom and grandma so we went by to visit them and the mom was kinda nasty to us but we offered service and she snappily asked Why?! We said we just want to help so immediately her heart softens and she let's us in for a little to talk about family history and then clean up a little bit. We tried sweet Yvonne but she wasn't home sadly, I love Yvonne she's an angel and I was excited to follow up on the BOM reading with her! Then we saw Susan, a referral from the assistants she's wild and just wants help with her family history, so we willed out a 4 generation chart, and now hopefully tomorrow will be meeting with the Family History Consultant to be able to put it online and find more people. Then sports night! LOVE sports night, still not a lot of success but you got to keep it going!

Friday we had weekly planning then did follow ups, with no (immediate or visual) success. Then went and saw Sister Angrave, love her, but she makes us sing... Then I was so excited to see Camilla and the Girls for some water color painting but they were sick! I was so sad! ☹ So we went and saw the Hapukus instead and hung out sharing our favorite scriptures with her and the boys, coolest kiwi family ever!

Saturday we had a BEAUTIFUL Come Follow Me lesson with Sister Gray! Shes an angel and so full of the spirit I love studies with her, especially when she gets side tracked and talks about who knows what. It's the best!! We were getting a bit exhausted with the follow ups so we decided to call Sharan and we talked for 40 minutes about studying and the BOM and it was awesome, she even read Jacob 5 after that!! Then we headed to NannaJs and when we got there we got our packing calls... I'm packing. NannaJ cried so hard, it was so sad but I cried too. But it will be good for this ward fresh start. Then we called Sharan again to tell her about me packing and she cried. She is the sweetest. Both her and NannaJ were so sad to see me go because I was finally starting to change Prospect ward into the center of strength that every ward should. Prospect should be the biggest ward in Adelaide it should be popping at the seams, but sadly its dwindling in unbelief... hopefully the sisters can keep them on the path to be a center of strength.

Church was good it was ward conference, so a lot of people who dont normally come came, which was good!! Had 3 people we were teaching there which was AWESOME! Then I went and said goodbye to NannaJ, Sister Burgess, Hapukus then came back for dinner before we went to Sharans. That was such a sad visit with Sharan because she cried saying goodbye to me. But I told her I'll see her again soon in the temple 💕 then the transfer call... FULHAM GARDENS WITH SISTER HOUSTON. I couldn't believe it it must have been some kind of joke. We are going to set Fulham Gardens on FIRE. we are going to have the best transfer ever!

Monday was full of transfer madness, at transfers Elder Ostraff and Wharekura (my Alice Springs best friends) came over and said, "we came over here to roast you together one last time" its Elder Ostraffs last transfer!! What in the world. I cant believe it, but I will miss them heaps, I loved all the missionaries I served around in Alice! We were family! But then I proved myself pretty good in front of all the elders. Elder Hymas was chucking a tennis ball at me so I caught it one handed and chucked it back. Put a few of em in their place it was funny.. we also got a new car, and then got roasted by the assistants who were talking to elders and getting mad at us for still being there. If you cant get the drift this mission is like family. I love it!! Then we came home and Sister Houston gave me the lowdown on the area, we went and did some follow ups then had dinner at Bishops with the Ward Mission leader. I walked out of that meeting almost in tears, because every idea I had to help missionary work in Prospect they are already doing here in Fulham!! I was so excited!! Its going to be the best transfer ever! I already know it.

Yesterday was good, we organized the area bit in the morning, did some follow up met and taught 2 returning members. Then had dinner with the Gabeharts. Brother gabehart is from New Mexico and JUST LIKE PAPA. (Ya know super weird and crazy... just kidding Papa!) He loves to joke around and is so sweet! I loved it!! Tried getting them to accept the challenge to give a BOM out but being the cute old people they are they didnt understand... dont worry we will get them some how! Then we did some follow up calls and one guy Sister Houston called said, "yeah that's me. Can you hold on a second?" Shd says "yeah" and he hangs was the best follow up call ever!! I love her. I love this area. I love it all.

The church is true. The AAM is like family. Sister Houstons the little sister I never got (and never really wanted because I like being the baby girl) but I'll take her! Excited for the miracles to come!!

Xoxo Sister Standage 

E. Ostraff and Wharekura's potential last hug for a long time. So emotional. 😂 


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