Sad week

So this week wasn't my favorite week... on tuesday the cute 10 year old we are teaching that has the strongest testimony and desire for the gospel in her life dropped us. well her parents dropped us. Makayla cried when they told her that we couldn't come see her anymore. So we showed up on Tuesday and we were chatting for a second then Michelle the mom says to us, "yeah this will be the last time you visit makayla.." i just about started crying, she was the most solid out of anyone we are teaching at the moment. my heart broke. 

nothing else really crazy happened except early in the week, we got a message from a potential and she said, hey sisters i want to see you on friday at noon.. not going to lie we thought she wasn't actually going to be home or anything, but we went on friday at noon and she was home and we had such a great lesson. She told us she had quit smoking and drinking just like that cause she wanted to. she didn't want to live that life anymore, she wanted to travel and being sick all the time wouldn't let her travel (so yeah we are already instant best friends + she is coming to visit America and wants to come see me) but it was really cool, she also told us about bad experiences that shes had at churches and different things, then ended up saying she loved our church, the church of jesus christ of latter day saints because the men always look so nice! so thank you men of the church for always looking good on Sundays, we appreciate it! :) and she asked us about church and things, so we talked about the classes and sacrament. and can i just tell you its so hard to tell people about classes cause we explain church is 3 hours.. but then have to explain next year its only 2..its always so confusing.. but anyways she was excited.

we didn't actually make it to help her get a ride to sacrament or anything because S. Auatabu got transferred to Darwin so we had to go to the airport, so I got to be companions with Sister Clark, the senior sister here in Alice for a few hours until... SISTER SAOLOTO FAALAVAAU got in.. 
you probably dont remember but she is the sister i spent a lot of time with in the city teach Megan in the marion sisters area since there werent Marion sisters anymore. But it was so awesome to see her again... but the first thing she says to me when she saw me was wow youre fat.. (fat in the islander culture isn't offensive like it is in America) send help. I now have to take exercise time very seriously! but its been good. I love her and have had such a great time with her and we haven't even been together for 24 hours. (I imagine that this is what it will be like to see all my friends and family back at home) we stayed up past bedtime just talking! whoops.. but its p-day so we can take a nap! ;) 

It was a good week. really nothing too crazy. we are going to explore alice today since its not hot cause its raining so i will have real good photos to share next week!

love you all, hope youre all staying out of trouble. 

xoxo Sister Standage


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