
Wednesday we had a lesson with the family we are working with and had the mom and daughter teach us and they were "companions" which was a little rough for them, at first, but it was really good!! Very powerful lesson! 💕

Thursday was a MAJOR call to repentance given by yours truly. I'm not proud that I had to do it, but I was impressed with myself that I was bold enough to do it, and I truly did it out of love and not of authority. But you could see it changed some of the elders, some slunk and some sat up, and I can tell you now those that sat up saw miracles this week!! I called them to repentance, shared miracles and gave advice. Which is what district councils are... minus the call to repentance but the shading miracles and giving advice/counseling is exactly what it's all about!! We then went and saw a few people we needed to see then threw together a last minute sport night, aka the sisters ran to k-mart to buy stuff to use... but it worked out. We did it. I'm going to be prideful for a second. I'll repent in a second. I did it. If it wasn't on my head if it failed I would have let it fail to prove to the elders my call to repentance was necessary. But it wasn't too bad we had 5 people there and it was a good start! One perk to having 8 missionaries it gave us 13 people there.. looked like a lot were there. All goods.

Friday we planned and then went to a returning member lesson with our sweet recent convert and it was perfect. She has recently shown a new side I've never seen before but it's exactly what I needed and what the lady we were visiting. She needed some love and reassurance but to be slapped around a bit saying "hey dummy come to church" NannaJ was very polite and did NOT say that. But all it well it was great. We then went and had the daughter of the fam we are working with teach us the restoration. SHE SMASHED IT. IT WAS AWESOME. Even got the dates right... I don't even get the dates right. Very good powerful lessons that day.

Saturday was NUTS! Seriously we were so exhausted at the end of the day, we were like lehi when he had to cast himself on his bed being exhausted from the spirit working in him all day... I am not sure how he threw himself on his bed I literally had to crawl to my bed after my prayers. But we started the day following up with referrals, we met ALL OF THEM and set return appointments with all of them except the one that moved... it was unreal THAT NEVER HAPPENS. we then went to NannaJ's to read her testimony in prep for Sunday, shes the sweet old lady I always talk about. Shes been a member 6 months but was very nervous about sharing her testimony so she wanted to type her first and read it.. I am getting a copy its powerful. Changed my life literally. But best part... she cooked us TBONE steaks... I about fell off my chair. It wasn't a Texas roadhouse 8oz sirloin but it was DELICIOUS!! I love her. She knows me so well. Then we visited a member who just had a hip replacement and shes busy as can be converting the staff and patients there which is SO COOL because shes doing it thorough crafts!! Then we stopped by a lady who reminds me of my grandma Whipple. Love this lady but you mess with her and she will whoop ya with a smile on her face. But we got her help for family history stuff which is AWESOME. then we had dinner with a sweet member from Asia, we asked if we could teach her the lessons to get feedback to see how we are doing in our teaching. Little did we know she invited a couple in the ward whose the primary president and bishopric member. But it was SO POWERFUL. I didn't know how good it was until I was able to teach myself something, but I didn't teach myself the spirit taught through me and I learned. It was so incredible.

Sunday was the GREATEST TESTIMONY MEETING IN THE HISTORY OF EVER. Nannaj got up and called the ward to repentance of all the crap they have got going on and her phone has been ringing off the hook thanking her for it ever since!! That evening we had gospel displays which was very frustrating. I love the assistants but they threw every issue on me and walked away I was so frustrated. And am so glad that I have been able to develop this new thing called anxiety because my anxiety was through the roof. I couldn't even breathe I was freaking out. It wasn't even a big deal maybe, but the people at this event are people the missionaries are teaching so it kinda is!! Very stressful night.. love the elders but I just wanna smack em sometimes.

But then we started trade offs with the Fulham gardens sisters and I was with Sister Houston aka mini me. Seriously we are the same person its wild. We had the best time in the world. She would want to talk... it was crazy never had a comp like that in...ever. she also loves running.. so here I come skinny. (Keep in mind trade offs are only for a short time. So not quite) we were able to do some follow up with people have some lunch then go on a walk with a sweet lady we have been trying to teach for ages. Her and sister Houston just clicked. Best friends and it was awesome. We talked about the plan of salvation and gave her a book of Mormon. It was the most progress we have ever been able to make with her. thank you SISTER HOUSTON! Then studies and a few failed follow ups!! Then we went to NannaJ and the fam we are working with. Both of them brainstormed with us what we can do for this ward. Sister Houston was shocked about how bad it is here... we got home that night and she was like, I literally didn't even know places could be this bad. People I can't even describe the ways that these people here treat each other. Sister Houston got a little taste and couldn't believe it. The mom of the family we are working with said she doesn't believe that we can change this ward and I quote, "We have never had a Sister like you, and soon enough you'll be transferred and this ward will go back to 'normal'" How sad is that? But i gave her a stern motherly talking to (yes shes older than me, but its fine) and we were both in tears, because she didn't even realize the power and the change she has already made in this ward! Major break through that night, and she is on the Change Train hallelujah!

Tuesday we were asked to train at the Sisters district council, so we did and it was incredible, really one of my favorite trainings I've given. Then immediately after we had OUR district council,(we had to move it cause I FINALLY GET TO GO TO THE EAR SPECIALIST!) which I thought was going to be a train wreck again...but it wasn't. it was pretty good and very spiritual. I think the elders have caught the vision we have for this ward. (I can tell you they have, not all but most. The ones i mentioned that sat up in the call to repentance last Thursday found multiple new people to teach... it was incredible) Then after that we dropped some banana muffins of for our favorite member, then went to our coordination meeting and came home.. 

Also.. I'm officially old. I've been in Aus for 1 year. (almost) 1 year tomorrow. but All is well.. 

Its been fun and I've learned a lot! I've grown even more. I love this place, I love my mission and everyday when I wake up I am excited to read the BOM! I never thought I'd be like that. But really truly, I am so excited to read it each and everyday and any chance I get my nose is in that book, its better than google in answering the questions that come up in my life! READ IT it can answer yours too!

xoxo Sister Standage 

trade offs with Sister Houston and Chaithip
Elder King with Nannaj's basket at church... suits him fairly well.


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