Elder Maynes

This week can be explained by the scripture that says "And it came to pass that he returned to his own house at Jerusalem; and he cast himself upon his bed, being overcome with the Spirit and the things which he had seen." Except I didnt even have the energy to cast myself on my bed I literally had to climb. Continually having the holy ghost is draining in the best possible way.

Thursday we went to the ear doctor because my ears are not agreeing with anything I do. And I was told "I cant tell you what's wrong, your ears are perfect. Straight out of a textbook." Ok thank you for that, but no fix my ears please... but then we went to NannaJ's shes an angel and such a safe haven! We chatted with her and never have I ever felt more empowered than when I'm with her!! ... then we had to go to Ward Council, that was fun. I spoke up and said, "you dont have to like us personally as missionaries, but we only ask for some respect." We got shot down real bad. "Sometimes you serve in hard areas, this must be yours Sister Standage." Sadly, these members don't get the whole reason of the church, that's why its hard.. can I just tell you I hate being treated like a child? I'm nearly 23, I have some pretty good life experience, maybe not alot but enough. In this ward I have learnt so much about what not to do that I think I know how to be the perfect ward council member... (dear future bishop I hope you dont read that). Dont get me wrong there are great people here and I love them, I just seem to somehow only have encounters with the not-so-lovely.

But anyways Friday was weekly planning, remember how last week I told you about the call to repentance I delivered to the elders, well... during companion inventory I gave a (second) call to repentance to my companion. (1st one was week 1 of the transfer) I love her, shes been out nearly 16 months. She knows what it takes to be a missionary but wont do it. I personally am on the verge of being signed into a mental hospital because these elders, this ward and my companions. But I love the challenge because the harder the mission the more you learn. I told her all that, and man that felt great. Results of that TBA. Aladdin and his family called and said "come get all our food" and they literally emptied everything out for us since they are moving SAINTS I love them and will miss them heaps!! After our boot was full of food we then went to NannaJ's again and had some yummy food.. (always about food hey?) Shes the greatest cook ever!! (Ok maybe not ever, I miss American food. But best aussie cook ever). (Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY RARA)

Saturday we went to visit Polly... Polly is trying to save her "stupid" grand children from dropping out of college and traveling.. (yeah dont worry I didnt tell her that's what I did too.. she woulda beat me) but she just wishes she could shake him and say OPEN YOUR EYES. Which is funny because we wanna do that to her about the gospel. She actually is the one who had the issue with killing laban.. so she set us up PERFECTLY. She said she had prayed that morning for God to open her eyes about things she had been misunderstanding for who knows how long... ummm yeah... dont know how else but divine design that could have been set up. So sister Beijerling explained the law of Moses, and how it all does make sense and everything (thank you Jeff for your email, we used it!) But as English as a second language, she still said. "I understand but there are flaws.." she didn't get it and just wanted to argue so we said we will come back and chat and do some service which was good. One day Polly one day you'll understand. We then went a visited a few sweet members that are gonna help us make some cards for people. We actually recruited her daughters because they are the cutest and cheer and swim and like arts so basically they are my future children.. kinda using them to get to the mom so she comes back to church but that's ok right? It's for God. I think hes ok with that, I mean why else would her children cheer and swim and love arts just like me? For this reason exactly! Then we visited a few more. Got some yummy polish sausages, ministering help, teaching help, gave away a thank you! And much more. It was a full on day. Then we ended it by reading the ricciardi letter which was another call to repentance for both of us. (Or actually from Jacob van skyhawk. So thank you for that!!)

Sunday.. was so good sacrament talks were incredible. Lesen taught a beautiful lesson on Come Follow Me by President Nelson. Which has got to be one of my favorite talks ever!! Then Sharan (who is the mom of the family we have been working with) came to ward choir. I get it it's not that big for you, but just imagine JT coming to ward choir, and not even fussing that much.. that's what it was like. (Sorry JT love you) it was awesome!! Then studies then follow up with potentials, formers and referrals and it ended in finding a new person to teach she was keen to know about family history and the BOM which was awesome!! And we even got her grandma as a referral as well!! Great time. Then dinner and studies. Then the most incredible lesson with sharan... she is going to the temple. Still in preparing stages BUT ITS HAPPENING. Just watch. And I don't care what has to happen I will be there! This is huge for her! And I can't even contain my excitement because Jade might now be able to be baptized as well and they can all go to the temple together! Thank you Aladdin for getting us to this point over the past months!!

Monday morning we went and did service for Polly (the Laban supporter..just kidding she doesnt support him but she supports no killing..) when we said we were there to help she kinda was awe struck. Then said, "no one has ever offered to help before.." that is the saddest thing in the world. None of her family has ever offered to help her clean up or serve her in anyway. So I mean we had a great time cleaning blinds and floors! Then during follow up we met an Indian lady.. who invited us to eat lunch with her... I woulda said yes in a second but 1 my companion cant handle spice, like any spice, even the mere mention of spice she can't handle. 2. We had just eaten. Next time though, we are gonna help her do family history!! Then we had MLC (where all the Sister Training Leaders, District and Zone leaders met) with Richard J. Maynes. It was pretty cool, but honestly felt like the President Parker culture was wanting to creep back in... not gonna like that kinda scared me. And even more so that 1/2 the missionaries in that conference dont even really know about it... I love the culture as it is now. "Teach correct principles and let them govern themselves. Oh be wise, and if you aren't then repent quickly." Aka I will teach you the ways you should walk but you have to choose to walk them. Which I LOVE. Makes me feel like I'm an adult with some agency or something. ;)

Yesterday was our mission tour with everyone in Adelaide + Alice Springs flew down for it. (Why I didnt get to fly down/drive in to meet cool people when I was in Alice and Mildura we will never know..) but it was awesome. A lot of talk we already knew but I mean who doesnt need a good reminder? What really stuck out to me was that he related God and Christ as the ultimate companions.. they came down to find, teach and baptize. They found Joseph, taught him, and converted him to see the need for baptism. It was really cool I never thought of it in that way before. I knew they were important, part of the God head, etc. But to look at them as companions really makes me want to get my companionship to that level!! Another thing that really stuck out was God gave us Celestial tools to have Celestial traditions to abide in the Celestial Kingdom. The gospel is so simple, its beautiful and it's got the added advantage that its TRUE.

Also something that stuck out to me this week. Was anxiety and depression, and maybe yous have noticed it before but they talk about it a bit in scriptures. But in Alma 26:27 they talk about being depressed and wanting to give up and The lord comforted them. and that in 2 Nephi 1:16 Lehi had anxiety from the beginning that people would keep gods commandments.
It's all in the scriptures. And each answer is too. God always loves us, he always comforts us, even when we dont think we deserve it. ESPECIALLY when we dont think we deserve it. We just have to ask.

Love you all
Hope you have a good week 💕
Xoxo Sister Standage

Who needs Texas roadhouse when you can make your own steak and have apple sauce? (Just need a Ceasar salad but the salad here is gross so no thanks) also I was just kidding I need Texas roadhouse, everyone does!! 


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