
Wednesday was so nice we just relaxed for pday and it was GREAT. Seriously my favorite pday so far on the mission and we didnt even do anything... then we went to Hector and Lavini the sweetest family in the world! We taught about the sacrament and Lavini perked up, she hasnt ever had a religion before and she is searching, Hector has been baptized before but he is searching for a church he likes. They are incredible. We read 3 nephi 18 with them and invited them to church. And Lavini you could tell she really wanted to come. She's so sweet, our focus was on Hector but now we know the way is through Lavini! She's incredible!

Thursday we did some follow ups then had district council... in all honesty I am not sure how I feel about this district but then we had council and I got the full picture of how it's going to be! But Elder Bently, (we served the past 3 months together in Prospect Ward) was awesome, bringing ideas we had implemented there to here and its gonna be a great transfer with these elders (or at least Elder Peate and Bentley) then that night we went to dinner with Sister Crowley to BURGER REPUBLIC. aka America central it was DIVINE!! American burgers, American ketchup, American waitress, American portions (I've learned my stomach handles aussie portions now) it was the greatest meal I've had out here! Plus it was on the beach... 2nd time seeing the ocean on my mission!

Friday weekly planning aka I finally got my head screwed on straight! Then we did some follow up visits and those were awesome, got to see everyone remind them of church, invite to activities. Then we went to see Rimpi. We caught the bus up to her and met a sweet girl from France whose living in Sydney at the moment and is super keen to do family history. (Sisters is Sydney find her please, we had to get off the bus before we got too far away from rimpi's house. So we only got her last name!) Then our lesson with Rimpi was fantastic! She agreed to all the lessons, she really wants to be a member of the church and asked what forms and all she has to sign to be a member so we explained about baptism.. was a little rough, but in time she'll understand. Here's the real thing. She's Indian and she made us some yummy Indian food. I love her, her son and her cooking!! Excited to able to share the gospel with her, she's ready! And already has best friend members! It's awesome!

Saturday we spent the morning following up with potentials, returning members, formers, etc. No success but hey no efforts wasted right?? We were losing motivation so we went and got some lunch before our lesson with Jackie at 2. She is the sweetest lady who doesnt have much but gives! We talked about the soul, and where it was. She's in the medical field so she's all science but we talked about the Plan of Salvation and it really hit home with her. Also really cool because I felt the biggest prompting to share a video about the athiest medical doctor whose a convert...but I couldn't find it! Sad huh? But hey always follow promptings even if nothing happens immediately something will. Then we had a cultural night, it was fantastic. It was full on aussie. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE. (I'm sure 1/2 of you dont even get that... it's ok.) But it was awesome, all full on aussie culture. Dance, readings, songs, etc. So much fun. I've missed being in a fully functional and fun ward 💕 not quite Up to Utah... but for Aus it's good.

Sunday was fantastic church was great and sadly none of the people wr are teaching came.. sad day, but hey now we can figure out what we can do better for next week to help get them there! We had a meeting after church and it was awesome it was coordination meeting which was great because Brother Smith really helps us be better missionaries! He's so awesome, kinda intimidating but it's good. I'm just scared I'll let him down. But funny story we have a rule only 3 member dinners a week, but this week we had 4 scheduled one was with him, he was ok to cancel and play it by ear to see if we got someone we are teaching to come to another one. But then I turned it on him and asked him for a referral right there, he was shocked that I was turning it on him to find someone so we could keep our dinner appointment. Felt good about that one, used his own teachings against him! Then we had studies, I'm in alma at the moment and its incredible.. Wanna know how to be a good missionary or even just member? Read the beginning of alma. You'll get smashed and motivated all in one. Then we visited a few sweet members and set up times to come teach some lessons. And found 2 part member families to teach. Woohoo it'll be awesome. I'm excited hearts are being softened!! It was a good Sabbath Day.

Monday was a Monday, everything about it screamed Monday. I'll just share the quote I found that got me through Monday. "O God, how mysterious are Thy ways! Teach me resignation to Thy will!"

Tuesday... was pretty good. We had district council that was probably the best district council I've been to in a long while. It was good to refocus and rekindle the flame! After that we went and practiced roleplays with a few members, then we went and saw a few less actives and we were teaching all day. It was the best! I love days full of teaching appointments! Then we pull up for our dinner appointment and it's a party for me. The members that were having us over found out it was my birthday so they through a little party and invited a few members. They are the sweetest in the world! It was a great birthday! And a great day of teaching full of the spirit!! 💕

Today our plans are sleeping. Sister Houston and I have been dying all week, we are pretty crook (sick) and we just want to sleep. How lame is that? Oh well. You know how everyone says missionary work is hard, but can never explain it. Well I hope you've had just a glimpse of it from my emails. Dont get me wrong I love every second of it and every hard day I learn something and my testimony grows. So I do love all the challenges and hard areas I've served because the harder the mission the more you learn! I've been loving it but Sister Houston and I are a little burnt out. So nap time today! Then 2 lessons this evening!! Super excited for both of those!

Love you all!!
Xoxo Sister Standage 

Birthday breakfast 
Present from Sister Acres
Waiting for the bus 


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