The Last Week

This time next week Sister Cheurfang will be Chalita Cheurfang and she will be taking a LONG nap for me! :( I can't believe I am sending another companion home. 7/8 of my companions are home now! Unreal.

This week.. Bless these people what can I say more? 

Wednesday we explored the city, Adelaide city is a lot more fun when you are in jeans and its warm (ish)! after pday was over we went to a members house, to set up a practice lesson that we can teach them and keep our skills up. Since its been a minute since we have taught a full real lesson. They welcomed us back and are so sweet (They remind me of Steve and Tamara Nelson!! haah but maybe not exactly!) Then we went to Sharans for dinner and she forgot... we ate KFC and it was so funny! She was so embarassed, but it was fine, we just love being there with her and her family we always have interesting gospel questions thrown around. 

Thursday was district council. Can I say elders ages should be 19 and Sisters ages 18? We had a great council, that we have had literally every week this transfer. I kid you not, same council topics, same questions, same answers, same comments, same everything. And the elders walked out of there "WOW THIS WAS THE BEST DISTRICT COUNCIL EVER" ......... elders... i love them, but sometimes they are clueless! glad it finally clicked for them, now they can hop on the missionary work bus! We did member follow ups that afternoon as usual, but it was ANZAC day so everyone seemed to be busy, one lady pretended she wasn't the one we were after. People are so interesting. But we were able to meet a sweet family, whose 10 year old son is going to teach me the story of the tree of life tomorrow so I'm excited for that! 

Friday we had a flat inspection and we were commended on not having any "long hairs" all over the place. Aka my hair... but Sister Cheurfang and I got on the floor and cleaned it by hand because our vacuum over heated and there was hair everywhere... not just mine. But we were commended on that! So go us! We had trade offs with Mawson Lakes Sisters so I was with Sister Pierson we did member follow ups and met some sweet less actives to work with, then we came home and I asked her for help in planning a fireside (she is in training so she still has a non missionary brain) and gave great insights to be engaging and everything!! She's a champ! I love her and we had so much fun!! (Morgan Judd her laugh sounds exactly like yours so that was the greatest thing in the world!! I loved it!) 

Saturday we did more member follow up and met the CUTEST CAMBODIAN MAN EVER. he said we could come back and practice teaching and he said "yes yes yes" and I said "next week?" he laughed and said "In june? I am going to cambodia for a month..." RIP haha cute family willing to let us come but are leaving! Its ok June isn't that far away! Then we met more members that said we could come back and teach them to practice, then went to dinner and FHE with a sweet family we are working with!! It was wild and crazy but oh so good! the boys both chose pictures from a FHE book i have and i told them the stories of the armor of god and the stripling warriors. they seemed intrigued by the wars and fighting so we spun it and said these people only fight for their family not with their family. So for at least one week they are on the same team. so we will see how that goes! 

Sunday was stake conference and President marquis for the win! I LOVE HIM. and shared everything in my head that needed to be out about member missionary work. we can't do anything without members!!! Thank you President Marquis!! Stake conference was INCREDIBLE! Soon to be Elder Kwong gave his testimony, and I got to talk to him for a bit. AND CLIVIA! the sweetest woman in the world! She was baptized a year ago, she is an angel, and i was so excited to be reunited with her!! Everyone from the city branch was like "We need you sisters back in the city" (there are only elders at the moment). I just smiled and said, "Hopefully soon" I love the members, but can't go back to the city!! Hopefully (other Sisters) are going back soon since the BOM Musical will be in Adelaide in a few weeks! After all those awesome reunions and good byes. We had even better studies and went to Sharan that evening, had a wonky lesson but set up a good thing for Monday night FHE with her! 

Monday, more trade offs with Para Vista sisters was great until Sister Cheurfang and Montenegro call us for a ride into the city. to paint a picture. Sister taleni and I were right next to the city, the Sisters were 45 minutes away we had to drive to them and back to get into Adelaide... and as soon as we pull onto the main street in Adelaide we get a text their lesson was cancelled... RIP. no bueno at all. But we had a lesson to get to so we dropped them off and they had to catch a bus. we had a lesson with Sharan and WOW it was terrible!! honestly terrible. but we committed her to read the bom everyday and shes stuck in the isaiah chapters in 2 nephi. sorry jumping to tuesday. she texted us and had read 9-10 chapters and UNDERSTOOD IT AND LOVED IT AND HOLY COW! miracles happen and i was so happy! Which was great because on Tuesday we had coordination and we "finally broke through"... honestly i thought we had brought things to light a few weeks ago but again are so glad these elders are all on board. I was so frustrated that no one was listening to me. So i took over I was bold I was loving, I was pushing the conversation forward. And these things I have been talking about for ages will HOPEFULLY be brought up and taken care of. God's timing is perfect, all things will happen in his time. I am still trying to build my testimony on that.

This week was good. Sad. Tiring. Exhausting. We went to be at 9:30 or 10 every night because I just don't have energy to stay up later than that. This week is jam packed as well!! It will be great! I'm excited to see the miracles and things that happen this last week for Sister Cheurfang. 

I love you all!!

Happy Birthday Millie!
happy 1 year since my farewell!
Happy Birthday next week Momma Nat!! 

xoxo Sister Standage 

pictures are 
Jade and I
Sister Montenegro and I
Trade offs with Para Vista
Soon to be Elder Kwong! he leaves for the MTC this next week!! MTC and then toronto here he comes! 


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