Powerhouse weekend

I know I write novels so if you want to read "the good stuff" scroll down to Monday and Tuesday. That's the really good stuff that talks about my experiences with President Nelson!

Last Wednesday was district pday! It was fun, smashed the elders in bowling then I got smashed in laser tag. It was great. After all the fun we went and followed up with a referral from the Assistants/Glenelg sisters and she isn't keen for the gospel...YET. She was dropped off to her grandma by her mother when she was a baby because her mom couldn't take care of her. She knows her mom's name and nothing else. She wants to know who she was and we have family history sight to help her connect the dots to find potential relatives to help her fill in those gaps!! Such a cool experience. She's so old and loves the company, but we are going to show her there is a ward full of good company just down the main road from her house! 💕 then we had dinner with the sweet lady from last week who said she wanted to write letters to the less actives, we wrote them and are going to deliver them! They were so awesome and best part of it was ALL HER IDEA!!

Thursday we has a district council, and had a training from the Clark's one of the senior couples that I got the opportunity to serve around (Smith's I miss you and love you! And just met an elder from Las Vegas yesterday and thought of you two!) They are in charge of our family history blitz going on and they brought a slideshow with the district stats and I felt so good at Allenby Gardens Sisters numbers they were AWESOME. I felt awesome not because I did better than the elders, because we are on the same team! But I felt so good because I saw the miracles from prayer in stats on a screen on front of me! I am seeing the fruits of my labors. If anything I have learned on my mission is I am a visual learner! Seeing and hearing things works best and now I have seen and heard the miracles that are happening. That was awesome!! After that we had 3 member lessons set up that went awesome, completely awesome! The spirit was there, referrals are in the works. Our teaching pool is going to explode soon, just you wait. (And when it does I will be transferred because that's what always happens. I lay the ground work. Good thing we are all on the same team! But that means Darwin hear I come 😉 can you tell I'm antsy to get to the heat again. It's too cold in Adelaide) also on a low key note I hit one year.. what the heck. Not sure how that happened but hey I still have heaps of time right?

Friday was weekly planning and we SMASHED IT. Honestly we planned for our area and also planned for the Elders areas, they needed a little help!! So we helped them out. Our member team was getting big so we told the Elders what to do to work with each of them. (MEMBERS AT HOME. DON'T MAKE IT HARD ON THE MISSIONARIES TO USE YOU AS TOOLS. HELP THEM. THEY NEED IT.) But we passed some of our solid members to the elders... we cherry picked we kept a few good ones!! 😉 but we also had a lesson with a returning member and I need advice, how do you help someone that enjoys playing the devils advocate so much that you cant help them feel the Holy Ghost? Genuinely curious.

Saturday was full of teaching and organizing! We have cleaned up just about everything in our area! Its incredible! Clean area book planner and everything make life so much easier! We had FHE with a returning family, had a great time, we love them sadly we decided they are a family we can pass to the elders, but low key kept them as well and we can team teach with the elders. But my favorite thing was in the afternoon we went over and read the BOM with the returning family we are working with. S. Beijerling read with the mom and I read with the daughter. We made great headway! It was AWESOME! Very spiritual and really good to have that spirit in their home, we usually visit them as last stop but mid day was great, bringing that spirit in the home early to linger with them is POWERFUL and made a difference for them! Note to self that's a brilliant thing to do!

Sunday. My sweet companion who when I got her didn't say a word. Not one. Got up in sacrament to give a talk she was asked on Saturday night to give and smashed these members in the sweetest and most loving way. Calling them to repentance on their lack of missionary work, and they loved it! About 1/2 the ward came up and told her good job on the talk and it wasn't the pity oh yeah that was good but genuine they felt the spirit of missionary work in their hearts we know they did! Wheels are starting to turn! I am so proud of her, she's powerful, and I am excited to see how the rest of this transfer goes! After church we had our missionary meeting where I threw out and idea that was the greatest thing the elders have heard! Sports night for this ward and this country whose lives revolve around sport. What a concept right to use sport as a finding tool? BRILLIANT! (Sepah, then I'll be losing weight so you cant call me fat!😉)


THEN Sunday night we had a broadcast with the one and only President Nelson. Sadly he went to Sydney, but gladly he was addressing Australia as a nation. It was powerful and just solidified everything I learned this transfer about the Book of Mormon. He is so powerful and his wife was incredible. Two main focuses Prayer and the Book of Mormon. It's like they were talking to me personally. It was powerful and enlightening. Made me feel this personal revelation thing really is working in my life 😉 because it is it truly is coming even more frequent then I thought possible!! Something S. Nelson said was that "God is just as willing to give you revelation as he is to give my husband revelation." Why I missed out on this much revelation in my life before? I have no idea, will I ever miss out on it again? Probably not! The broadcast was powerful and even thought it was just a broadcast the spirit present in the whole country was undeniable. It was so powerful, and I'm thankful to have been apart of it.

Monday we planned and studied and finished the final details on organizing everything the went to Mission Leadership Council where we talked about some really cool things. But my favorite two things President Marquis said was. "1. What did you learn from the broadcast yesterday? 2. What do you hope to learn from the broadcast tomorrow? " my answer was the same thing on both of them. Sister Nelson talked about praying for the Lord's will, "thy will be done." But she said it in a way that struck a chord with me. It was actually Sherie Dew that did it. But in a prayer for Wendy she prayed that "Wendy and President Nelson would get this house, (they were house hunting) or something better." How powerful is that? We can add "or something better" to our prayers. That struck a chord with me because I feel like I'm a robot in prayers sometimes, asking for the same things. I realize they aren't being answered because what I'm praying for is not the "something better" that God had in mind. He could answer the prayer I should be praying, like we as missionaries have been taught to answer that should have been asked, not necessarily the one that was; but he has given me that opportunity to learn it for myself which is incredible..but my answer to President Marquis questions was both "something better.." on Sunday I learned of it and on Tuesday I was going to get that "something better"

Tuesday bright eyed and bushy tailed for a missionary broadcast with President Nelson at 7 am. Probably the only day I wont dread getting up earlier than 6:30. It was powerful. Every answer/concern I had was answered or resolved. Not just by President Nelson but by the area seventy, their wives President Marquis, and other missionaries through out the day! It was powerful! The spirit was so strong, it was very sacred to me to be apart of that. I am apart of the gathering of Israel. I am fulfilling prophecy. I am talked about in the scriptures. How cool is that? I don't even have to fake I'm in the scriptures by putting my name in there because I am already mentioned! I love our prophet, I love our Savior and I love my mission and the revelations I have received and continue to receive! After we had the broadcast, we had a regular "zone conference" which was actually every zone in the mission except Alice and Darwin. It was huge, I have never even seen more than 1/2 the missionaries before. But it was very spirit filled because of all of them. You could feel the power in the room. Then we broke for the afternoon and went to Morialta falls and had a park day aka a mission pday. It was awesome. Field games a plenty! Played some volleyball, rugby (learned to throw correct and kick one properly. Thank you Elder Wharekura) and a little bit of soccer where I got drilled in the chest so bad. Honestly when the ball was coming at me it was slow motion but I still couldn't move fast enough (thank you Elder Davison). I even broke my ring I made at the Gem Studio.. :( but even after all of that the spirit was so strong.

At the end of the night, we had a testimony meeting and I am so thankful to serve around such incredible missionaries. I got up and bore my testimony on trials and challenges of missions and life in general. But as we move away from calling things the "ups and downs" of missions and start calling it the "ups and plateaus" we make a lot more progress. If we have ups and downs we lose previous progress but if we have ups and plateaus we keep the progress we have made, we take a breather, and then keep going. Think about it when you are hiking you don't turn around and walk down hill when you're tired. You stop and stay where you are and catch your breath. DO THAT IN LIFE. Miracles are around the corner for each of us. Are we turning around and walking away from them? Or are we pausing to tie our shoes so we don't trip on small things that may come up along the way so we can keep moving towards that miracle! BECAUSE THEY STILL HAPPEN TODAY! After my testimony I sat down and felt good, but then after the meeting I felt even better because sweet Sister Johnson said, "you have changed, you are not the same missionary at all" I was like yeah whatever, but then I thought about it and a few more people said thank you that's what I needed to hear, I knew the spirit was working in and through me. From those small words of "thanks" and "you've changed" I felt even better about everything honestly because I realized after verbalizing all I said I personally realized am not the same Jordyn Standage that left on her mission a year ago. Yeah she was cool, but this new one. WOW. Cant wait until yous get to meet her! I love this mission life. But like I said in my testimony it's hard, days are full of rejection and anger towards you. But as you hear and do the Lords will, it makes it a whole lot easier!

I love you all
Xoxo Sister Sandwich

1. S. Carroll bought a sweater to match me and we didnt even plan to wear it the same day. No one even noticed.
2. The only pic I got from mission pday. Elder nayusan and hymas (I photo bombed more and didnt get those before we all left sadly)


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