Gods in the Details

Wow what a week, let me tell ya.

Thursday we had lunch with a lady who lives at an old members address and we became best friends!! She loves sewing and is so sweet, we made plans to come back and bring a recent convert who is EXPLODING to share the gospel. She is powerful, they both are and I think together they are going to be best friends in and outside of church! We then delivered the church invitations that the sweet returning member we are working with wrote, got a few of them handed out which was awesome! Then at our last drop off, she was actually home. And she's caught up on the church on conference, and devotionals and everything, but cant be bothered to come to church... BUT we scared her into coming on accident!! She's like all about emergency preparedness and it's awesome, so I mentioned that General Conferwnce they talked about the Second Coming and how they said "Time is running out" and that scared her so bad, not enough to come to church this past week, but enough to refer her husband to us to teach him! She's so funny, and I'll be best friends with her when I come back and live here some day! That night we had a dinner appointment with a sweet member family, who we are trying to teach them how to liken the scriptures to them, so they are more excited to read them. So I changed the story about Nephi's broken bow to James's broken scooter. (Please remember I am humble...) it was the greatest thing, I totally smashed it, they loved it, James was dying of laughter. So if you want to hear a story about a broken scooter, I got ya!

Friday we weekly planned, following up with all the referrals we send to the elders, filled our week with so many appointments. Then went to visit a returning member, she's so funny and feel like she lives in the movie the Great Gatsby. Very flash lady, but very nice. We are going to try to start teaching her again and bring her back into the fold!! Great potential. THEN THEN THEN we were following up with one person, I'd been feeling the need to see her for awhile and we did and she opens the door and let's us in straight way. We sat down and talked and the only reason she doesnt join our church is because Nephi killed Laban in the beginning of the Book of Mormon. She doesnt like that. But she loves everything else.. we chatted for awhile and talked about the Atonement and why we came on missions, and things like that. She loved it and then she passed for a second, looked at us and said, "you'll marry well" ...Haha what? Ok thank you lady! Is that a promised blessing? It was funny but it was so sincere and was the sweetest thing. We are going to see her this week and start teaching her again hopefully. But wow we were 100% led by the spirit on that!

Saturday we took some time and planned out our training since Sister Beijerling has never given a training, or even really talked much. So we planned and roleplays and prepared and it was so awesome. Then we went to see NannaJ. We talked about a million things, tithing, sacrament, member missionary work, church socials, etc. Everything. And then we all rock up at church and our entire Relief society's lesson was on everything (point by point I swear) on what we talked about with her. It was the coolest thing, the spirit works in so many ways. The whole lesson we text looking at each other with huge eyes because we were shocked it was another thing we talked about.

After church we went and followed up with some people which was great we went to a new family in the ward to ask if they could help us with a little fellowship, and they were so willing and then invited us in for dinner! It was incredible! The best dinner because everyone was so real. They had 3 annoying little brothers fighting and not listening or helping (see parents it's not just our family...) the mom and dad bickered, the guests acted like they were at home. It was real. I loved it and the whole talk was spiritual things, we didnt even have to try and have spiritual talks they all made them for us! It was SO COOL. Probably a dinner high up on my list of favorites for sure!

Monday was our training, and it was awesome!! Seriously (I promise I am humble) it was so great! Their district is awesome, love the elders in mine but the elders in Firle district are functional and really want to help! We then started trade offs with Firle Sisters, Sister Togafau and I went and taught a lesson to a member referral who is keen as, and so prepared. He knows the gospel, the plan of salvation, he has questions the restoration can answer. He already knows it all but we are just going to have to fill in the gaps with him and connect the dots! But he is so prepared and we had the greatest lesson ever!! After that we studied before we went to a member lesson where it was very powerful, it was with the member who texted us saying she will never come back to the ward again.. hopefully after such a strong spirit in the home she will rethink that. Then we went to the family we are working with and practiced teaching the Restoration with them, since the mom was at our lesson and wants to keep teaching him and that is our first lesson to teach him. She wants to practice so she can teach more to be ready! She's incredible, and we practiced and it was the best!

Tuesday we ran around trying a million people and no one was home. And we get a text from our favorite member missionary, the guy who is playing Aladdin at the moment. He says just a reminder no effort is wasted. I was about to give up and go home for an early lunch but we kept going, didnt see any success but something good came from it. I know it. No effort wasted. We actually called him to talk about a few things, and he only has 2 weeks left but we think we are going to have a baptism before then! It would be the coolest thing in the world, for all of us to have it all fit together so perfectly before he and his family go! We then went to close trade offs, the sisters were late so we cleaned their flat cause it was nasty as!! Then followed up with some people, studied, ate some food and had our coordination meeting which is always so frustrating with these elders... 

This morning we went to NannaJ's house to do macrame, we did anything but. We spent the whole day with her talking about the gospel, missionary work, and miracles. It has been the best pday I have ever had on my mission. Yes I wish I could have taken a nap, but heaven answered every concern I had in these past few hours spent with her.. God is in the Details!

It was a good week though because the amount of times things all worked out or all didnt work out was incredible. God was in every detail and I saw it all come together. Such a miracle and blessing. Great week, but I am sick as, and just want to sleep for the rest of my life. So so so trunky for a good long nap. When I get home I'll sleep for a week I know it.

Xoxo Sister Standage 

1. I gave jade some clothes, she put on a black and white striped shirt right away and put her hair in a high pony in a scrunchie... hello she is a mini me now quite literally
2. A sweet box Jades mom made for a sick returning member!! 


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