another 6 weeks.

Another 6 weeks here in Allenby Gardens.. New companion Sister Beijerling from New Zealand has 2 transfers left. So I'm not sending another one home quite yet... but 12 weeks flys by.

Wednesday was fun we went to a beautiful cathedral and when we walked in it was sunny and beautiful and when we walked out it was raining HEAPS!! but the cathedral was beautiful and i was so happy i finally went to it! Then I got a flu shot and got to play some basketball with the elders for a bit at the chapel!! that was way fun, took me back to the MTC days of roasting the elders in a game of lightning. It was awesome! 

Thursday was district council, where I think the elders finally had an awakening of everything these past 6 weeks. but I have thought that in the past. I'll keep you posted.. We then had a goodbye lunch with a sweet lady we are working with for Sister Cheurfang, it was yummy, but i didn't feel good. So we went home so I could rest before dinner with the Ogdens. Which was awesome, James taught me about the tree of life, very slowly but hes coming around which is great! 

Friday I weekly planned while Sister Cheurfang took her English Test. Then we had a few practice lessons with members that we had set up and THEY WERE AWESOME! we are finally making headway with a few less actives and one active member. I hope it all goes well! Then we had Sharan where we read some scriptures and it was powerful! She is the most incredible woman because she has A FEW referrals for us!! :) Can't wait to see where these go! 

Saturday Sister Cheurfang and Brooks had leavers stuff so I spent the day with Sister Viliamu and Chaithip and IT WAS AWESOME! so many miracles!! We met a less active they wanted to work with for so long and we met her and a few things happened. 1 she said i was dressed weird 2. she didn't believe i was from utah (biggest compliment ever, sorry everyone in utah but as a missionary utah is lame and no one cares about you because youre just "another one") 3. we bonded over rings. 4 saddest thing is it was in brightons area so i won't ever get to see her again unless i get transferred down there. But it was fun! also got packing calls Sister Standage is remaining. 

Sunday. church, meeting with bishop then gospel displays for the missionary fireside, it was fun, but i was anxious for the transfer call which happened at 9 and all of us mobile gospel display sisters stayed and listened to it at the chapel. i was so thankful because sister cobbley and brooks where there and they are my angels in the mission really!! I love them and missed their hugs!!

Monday. Transfer day aka drive 150 ks in one day because none of the sisters around you have a car and they are being flushed. so they each got 2 trips out and back to get everything and everyone to the office. but it was fun. then sister cheurfang had an interview and the sisters had to take all their stuff to their new flat so I sat at the mission office and got roasted by literally everyone. but it was fun. longest day though! LOADS of tears when I had to say good bye to Sister Cheurfang and Brooks.. They are angels. And in all honesty, Sister Brooks is one of the biggest reasons I am still on a mission so i am SO thankful for her and will miss her more than anything!! 

Tuesday we had lessons and service all day which was awesome, and we ended the night seeing Kaziah from alice springs at the Aladdin fireside! He is the greatest member missionary in the world! Literally. And we are best friends, we get to have FHE at his house next week with a family we are teaching so I am excited that will be a POWERFUL lesson! Also Elder Ostraff and Fiu were fan girling over Brother Purcell (Aladdin) and it was the funniest thing ever!! Weirdest Assistants to the President ever. But i love them!!

Wednesday today is recover day, lots of sleeping and relaxing because its raining a freezing and i can't be bothered to do anything else!

xoxo Sister Standage

Goodbye to sister Brooks. Hardest goodbye for me yet honestly 
All us mobile gospel display sisters in one car 💕


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