
Honestly I didn't want to come to Adelaide, i hate the city, it's cold here, and there are too many people. But God is good and gave me so many incredible people to run into in this big city! 

Tuesday we met with the Relief Society President who in essence said that we will get no support at all, good luck. I love her but, man was she wrong after we met with here the miracles started rolling. We decided to visit the members this week. We were left with nothing to work with so we started by visiting members, active, less active, everyone that we had on our list. We were going to start that Tuesday but got a phone call from a recent convert, so we went over to her house. She has had cancer 9 times, is pretty old (she'd kill me for saying that.. she is age wise but not anything else wise), and she is the happiest person in the world. I can't believe her optimism and happiness and its contagious. My cheeks hurt after being with her! But she was needing alot of help so we helped her out and got her ready for the primary activity that night which was awesome! She is an incredible seamstress and is teaching the kids (and me) how to sew cool things!! 

Wednesday we met a few members, some good visits some bad but at least we know where everyone is in relation to visits and such! One gave us cards she makes (mom they are just like the ones you and Karen used to make), the next lady gave us mangos and grapes, the next one gave us the most awkward experience we both have had on our mission but we survived!! so funny! The next just roasted us, and said stopping her sarcasm was the best thing she's ever done, so clearly I can NOT be friends with her.. Good think we don't have to like everyone we just have to love them. I love her! Then we went to dinner with a member who when we contacted her to confirm dinner said, "its our night to try not to poison you" instant best friends! But honestly when we showed up they were the most sarcastic family, the kids didn't listen and i felt right at home!! Was one of the best dinners on my mission!! 

Thursday we had district council, was so awkward... one reason I didn't wanna come to Adelaide awkward elders... I love em, but probably the worst district council ever because they just don't know how to have a conversation... We will teach them don't worry! Then we went and visited that sweet recent convert that called us on Tuesday! Shes a miracle, great visit with her! She always just stops and asks if she can pray and its teaching me to do that, I don't know why i'm a missionary i need these people to teach me! Then we did member follow ups, met a sweet member who is due in june (plotting to teach plan of salvation to her! thank goodness for the love of babies!) then we had dinner at a sweet members house. We love her thought, but convinced her she doesn't need to feed us every week... Sister Cheurfang and I felt so sick after we left there. Dear family, please don't feed the missionaries all the time if it isn't going to be a good meal and not something thrown together because its a habit to feed missionaries. We would rather go with out! 

Friday we had weekly planning then we did more member follow ups and it was a miracle, this sweet sister hasn't been visited by anyone in the church in 5 years! She was so welcoming and invited us to dinner next week and everything! Excited to work with her! After that we went and stopped by another members house and they invited us in and cooked dinner right there on the spot because they are incredible! it was veggies and salmon! the most yummy thing in the world! The wife also made us made the dessert because we felt bad just sitting there, (DAD you're gonna die) we made a PEACH cake, for those of you who know me know I hate peaches. But this whole miracles on miracles this week happened again. i didn't spit them out when eating them and they actually tasted pretty good... I know the mission has changed me. 

Saturday we did more member visits and met heaps of less actives that are part member families that are letting us come back to visit them and their families!! Then we had FHE with a returning member, her recent convert son, and her soon to be baptized daughter. They are an incredible family, that you wouldn't picture as the perfect member family but that is how i see them! They get the gospel, they get baptism and they get the reasons behind it all! They are incredible and such great examples to me! Again so many miracles I have no idea why I have a badge on I learn more than them. 

Sunday was fun, we were the only new missionaries in the ward, the elders just switched areas. Honestly though I think Sister Cheurfang and I knew more about the members, and more of the members than the elders did. They had Sandwichs after church for Sister Sandwich's first sunday ;) Then we did our studies and visited members! We were exhausted! Trunky for a good Sunday nap! 

Monday was the start of our countdown to pday with Sister Cheurfang and I because we were exhausted! But the day was incredible. Started off doing a come follow me study with a sweet member, had a great study and she enjoyed it! Then lunch with a returning member we met on Friday! sweetest woman with the CUTEST little baby girl! I wish that kids rule wasn't a thing! Then more returning member follow up! met a sweet lady from PNG who loves missionaries and plays pranks on the city elders!! I love her! Then we had another come follow me study with the family we are working with and we talked about baptism with the daughter and she said she wants to start having the real lessons, to learn and understand before she is baptized! the biggest miracle of all because I can't even tell you what she is like she is just stonewall no emotion until this night! You could tell she has the biggest desire to be baptized! 

Tuesday (aka Pday Eve.. changing pday on us isn't nice President, we are exhausted) we went to visit a recent convert, the one who has cancer, who can't eat anything but made us the most delicious pasties and bickies and she is a saint! She is sewing us dresses so we went fabric shopping with her and helped her with a few things around the house! And again said many prayers with her! I LOVE HER! We had to run over to a sweet families house to ask them to help fellowship this recent convert young man, they called the mom on the spot and got him to young mens, and fed us all within an hour. SAINTS! The relief society president was so wrong (honestly i love her, I just had a bad attitude about the ward because of her, but these members proved they are here to work and serve and love! They are awesome!) Then we had coordination and smashed it, no one expected us to have anything to talk about (which is so lame) but we did, we have proved ourselves here. We shouldn't have to but now we have the trust of the members and are ready to see the miracles keep on rolling the rest of this transfer!! Such a good week!! 


I love you all
We have been so busy we have 0 pictures, I'll do better this week!

xoxo Sister Standage


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