
This week we jumped right back on the downhill. Everything was going so great, and then we ran into some hiccups. But we were talking yesterday and realized it's Sister Cheurfangs last week in the mission next week. (I Cried when she said that) Then we decided we are going to smash it next week (we have been but an extra smash this upcoming week)! It will be so incredible, many miracles ahead.

Last Wednesday I became the Prospect District leader. Not kidding that's what the elders called me.. I guess i'm a bit bossy? ;) but we made HUGE progress in making plans for this ward! Talked ALOT of how we can help them! So many projects and guess what the Elders have all already found 1 Part Member Family each to work with! (We have all the ideas they see all the success, good thing we are all on the same team)

Thursday was Zone Conference, very powerful, very spiritual. Very funny. Apparently the Sisters within my stewardship as a Sister Training leader are scared of me because I am bold.. So we sat by the elders at lunch and found out the elders are scared of me too. The Assistants knew about me becoming the district leader. I felt bad I don't want to step on his toes, but nothing was being done. I asked Elder Ostraff (Assistant to the President) if the elders were mad I took over and he said no they were all impressed. But when we are together with the elders no one talks.. They are so weird. But Zone Conference is good. Ever wonder about what you should talk on in Church when you have a "talk on whatever you want" talk. Talk about Faith, Repentance, Baptism, The Holy Ghost. That's all people need. 

Friday we had weekly planning and trade offs with the Firle Sisters. I got to be in a trio with Sister Beijerling and Togafau (WITH A KIWI AND SAMOAN my DREAM) It was really good, we had very effective studies and then tried visiting a few members before we went to Dinner at Sharans. It was so funny, and I was dying of laughter because I wasn't the only one getting roasted by Sharan that day Sister Beijerling (Sister Barbie) got even more roasted than me. Even here in Australia I'm that person that gets made fun of. How does that happen everywhere I go? 

Saturday we did more member follow up, closed tradeoffs. Sister Cheurfang and I went to do song practice with the Elders since we were asked to sing on Sunday. Went to Sister Angrave to sing for her then  we did studies and dinner. Good day!

Sunday was not going to lie the worst Easter ever. Australians don't get it, they celebrate it by having Friday to Monday off work; but they just drink and party. But guess what the talks were on? Easter themes... like Jesus Christ, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, The Resurrection. No they weren't they were on the life of Jesus Christ up until His Atonement (ya know that whole meaning behind Easter..), then Adversity. Australia Easter is so different from American Easter. No Easter Egg hunts, no dying Easter Eggs, no Easter Dresses, no talking about Christ, no Spirit filled Sacrament. Lets just say I'm excited to be home next year, and a little disappointed in the lack of Easter Spirit here. But we did sing, it was beautiful, the YW sang it was even more beautiful, and Brother Purcell (aka the guy who is playing Aladin in the Musical that is here in Adelaide right now) sang and that was perfect! He is so awesome, and he is related to a lady I was teaching in Alice so we took a selfie.. I just wish he sent it to us too! Have a claim to fame of the guy who has his face posted on every tram in Adelaide! 

Monday we had trade offs with the Fulham Sisters so I got to be with Sister Storrer which was good she gave us an idea to help these members fellowship each other!! We are so excited to try this! It was a good day and went to visit a few returning members; the first gave us desserts!! YUM. The second (who usually just mocks me and yells at me for how I talk.. meaning my American Accent) was really nice and the spirit was so strong. She says she is "a born again christian and will never be a mormon again" but we pulled out the come follow me books and read the forgiveness bit with her, and she said that was exactly what she needed to hear. The spirit really was so strong and she only yelled at me once because of my accent. It was a great visit to say the least. then we saw sweet Sister Shannon. (Her kids are wild! crazier than ben and will ;)) i took the puzzles I have for the plan of salvation and gospel of jesus christ. THEY LOVED THEM and we set up a family home evening with her on Saturday!! Such a miracle, she is so awesome and i'm excited to take a selfie with her when we go on Saturday (that is my job given by our ward mission leader, so he can see what she looks like...) Then we went to Sharan who also got roasted by Come Follow Me about the forgiveness bit 70 times 7. Gods timing is so perfect I love it! Great day! Great trade off. 

Tuesday we closed trade offs, had studies, planned out our coordination agenda for the night then went to Yvonne, the sweet lady we met that lives at a members old address but invited us in right away and then invited us back for today! She is awesome and is helping us make these cool bags and we are helping her clean up her house! She's so awesome! And we have this BRILLIANT idea to introduce her to the church since she is Buddhist!! Story about her soon to come when we set this plan in motion!! 

Today we are rushing around cleaning, shopping emailing because we are going to the city to hang out for a bit!! :) So excited, going to be in adelaide not as a missionary (well i still am, but not walking around proselyting)!! so exicted for that! 

great week. Full of great revelation for this area, full of heaps of laughs, full of almost heaps of tears because my sweet sweet companion is nearly going home.. 

xoxox Sister Standage

1. Nasty as pregnant spider.
2. Trade offs with firle sisters
3. I made rules for our meetings cause the elders needed some help... 😊🤙🏼 


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