Mission Conference

I am so sorry I forgot my notebook with my weekly email notes in it and honestly I can't remember anything that happened this past week except....
I am getting Emergency Transferred AGAIN. 3rd times the charm right? updates on that next week. but Goodbye Renmark... (yes there were tears)
And we had a Mission Conference with Elder Nielsen of the MTC Department, Elder Ardern from the Pacific Area Presidency (I think?) 

But it was really good, they talked about our purpose as missionaries, which is the Doctrine of Christ. And then we talked about The Powers of the Atonement of Jesus Christ (which is the Doctrines of Christ), then we talked about the Book Of Mormon (The Doctrines of Christ)... Do you get it? All we talked about was the Doctrine of Christ which is so important. President Marquis has said we could get rid of every missionary rule ever if we understood the Doctrine of Christ. It has been really interesting to realise the incredible Power that we receive not as missionaries, but as Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints through the Atonement of Jesus Christ as we understand faith, repentance, baptism/sacrament, the holy ghost and enduring to then. Why it took me so long to truly want to study them more and understand the only 5 things we need to do while on Earth I don't know. Now that I do will I ever stop finding questions and searching for answers? NO! 

You're welcome for the shortest email of your Sister Standage emails for 18 months! I feel like I had a lot to say, but now I can't think of anything and I told you about the Doctrines of Christ and The Atonement of Jesus Christ and that is literally all you need in your life, and not a novel of my emails, even though those will not stop... 

I love you all go study the Atonement of Jesus Christ today. 

Xoxo Sister Standage 

Pictures of our zone that skyped in for the conference since we live so far away. 
And Sister Cobbley and I. Who wore my dress and glasses just to look like me... punk as sister


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