Hipster Rednecks

ok so i feel like i just wrote because i did like 5 days ago. but anyways after emailing and a long nap (11-3) we went out to the river front and the possums at the river were so cute and nice and i got to pet them and i'll send pictures next week cause sister tokuma won't let me see her phone to get the pics... but the possums here are the cutest thing.

We have found that street contacting in the evening is probably the only time people here are outside, so we moved all our studies and go on a walk around the river every night. 1. its so nice and so pretty every night 2. we can watch all the boaters 3. we actually get to talk to people its so nice. Still think street contacting is weird but we are becoming locals and seeing regular people each time and stopping for a chat with them. Family History y'all i reckon its the only thing we should be talking about as missionaries in the first contact otherwise we scare em away! 

Thursday we went to follow up with a funny old lady who last time we stopped by said we should look for a second leg shop because there are so many second hand shops but she needs a new leg! she had an appointment but on our way out we were going to stop by a member, her car wasn't out front like usual and Sister Tokuma said we should just go to the other member down the road, but I stopped and the member was home, her car was in the backyard which is why we didn't see it. The spirit is so real, he guides us in everything, this sweet lady said, "yous were meant to come about 100 times" i am so glad i stopped the car. We asked about her goals for this year and she said to stop smoking and get her temple recommend back so she can go to the temple again. Haha yeah ok I think we can help with that!! She is amazing and literally told us all her life story and i reckon we will be best friends for forever! Later that night we went over to Sam's house for dinner and her auntie and nan were there OH MY LANTA it was the funniest thing I've ever experienced the sarcasm and sass was through the roof. The auntie and nan live in Mt. Gambier another part of the mission hours away and I said I had hoped to serve there, they said to call in if i'm ever down there and they will show me around and have us over for tea (dinner). hmmm ok!! transfers are this week maybe i'm going to mt. gambier? ;) jokes I hope i say here in Renmark! But it was so awesome to find potentials for another area in the mission! 

Friday was another great day!! we went and had a lesson with Sam (the lady we had dinner with last night) and a former from the elders. He was so funny, first thing he says to me when he knows my name... "wow that sounds like a medical term" makes me sound important or something right? i'll take it. Sister Sandwich and Doctor Standage? good nicknames.. I'll take em! the lesson with him was funny he remembered everything the elder 2 years ago taught. loved hearing about the priesthood and said, "theres a slim chance of me joining but you're welcome to come back anytime" haha well he did say there was a chance so we said we would see him on Thursday! funny old guy!  and a great lesson definitely directed by the spirit! 

Then to finish off the week was the Dhingy Derby! Its huge here people come in from all over country, we went and watch and it was the coolest thing ever. Everyone here dresses like the regular provo hipster, but acts like the typical american redneck... funniest thing i loved it! best mix of city and country ever, plus EVERYONE was there! was a really good opportunity for us to show we are still people to entertained by boats racing in the river too! 

Funniest story from this week though would have to be one of the members saying, "hey We are having the elders over on tuesday and it takes me two nights to prepare a dinner so I can drop off for yous on Thursday." I died. it takes him two nights to make a meal. I don't think he meant it like it will really take him that long, just the fact that he was busy but the way it was said was just really funny to me.. maybe won't be for you but i liked it! members here are awesome and are keeping us busy with service this week!! one wants us to despider webb her house... never been more excited, its gonna be bigger than the ball that i had from our flat!! :)

xoxo Sister Standage

-SPIDERWEBS all of that is webs just on the backyard of our flat 
-beautiful sunset
-dhingy derby (jt you would love this) people came in from PERTH and DARWIN (that's like going from NY to Cali) to come here for this.. crazy. 


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