Another week of vacation (feels like)

This week was full of craziness, but it was awesome! Monday half of our district was transferred, which was funny because Elder Didkovskiy was leaving and we had become good friends, he's a great elder, from Ukraine (that's as close to Russia as I can get on my mission for all yous who said i'd go to Russia) He was walking away and was like, "how long do you have left?" I thought about it and I HAVE 9 MONTHS LEFT. WHAT THE HECK WHAT THE HECK WHAT THE HECK. Luckily he said, "OK good I'll see you then." Made it seem like I still have ages left, but I'm scared I'm going to blink and its going to be the end of the year. But anyways Sister Ami got in that afternoon and I LOVE HER! Cutest Sister ever! She just finished her training, she's hilarious, she's from Samoa (another crazy Samoan I'm so excited). Then we went to visit Emily out in the Mildura Sisters area since we were spending a week out there because Sister Cobbley is training and her companion didn't get here until Friday because of all the training they have as new arrivers. 

---Just so this all makes sense my District is the Mildura District, Mildura is in Victoria and New South Wales (States here in Australia) but I am serving in Renmark which is a 90 minute drive back towards Adelaide, the branch I go to is in Berri which is another 30 minutes towards Adelaide. I live in Renmark, go to church in Berri, and go to meetings in Mildura. 

Tuesday we found out the senior couple here is going home which is really sad, and also means that we had to sit with Sister Cobbley in the train the trainers meeting she had. Then went to visit a family that Sister Ami knew from back at home, which lead into them feeding us dinner. Members in Mildura are so funny, which is why the joke is if you get called to Mildura you get fat. Luckily as you all know now I live 90 minutes from there! 

Wednesday was good, we had to move all our studies into the morning because we had Arrivers Dinner that night with Sister Cobbley, so we studied, did some service then was walking home and ran into a family in the ward there and chatted with them for a bit. Didn't feel like I was a missionary cause I was in service clothes so it was weird... cause they had the cutest autistic son and I just wanted to play with him! Dang rules that are meant to keep us safe, can't wait to hold a baby again when I come home! Then Arrivers Dinner, these arrivers weren't as cool as ours because none of them cried.. But in all honesty, sitting through that one made me realize how lucky I was for my MTC district, I learned so much from them it was unreal that they truly became family, and it was so hard to leave them. Also we strengthed each other so much our testimonies were solid, not to say these new missionaries aren't, but there just wasn't heart in it. Again so thankful for my district! 

Thursday was all day training in Arrivers stuff with Sister Cobbley, then after that it was like 5 when we finished. We went over to Emily, she is someone the sister there are teaching. She's incredible and I had mentioned Monday was Tyson's Birthday. and when we showed up on Thursday she had 2 cakes, TWO CAKES, balloons, and a present for Tyson and we had a birthday party/Valentines party with her and it was the sweetest thing in the world. I have videos I'll share.. (except our computer emails isn't working with the new changes and everything with the emails so i'll have to send those next week) but it was the most special thing that could have happened. 

Friday was weekly planning, but we in Renmark had our plan and Sister Cobbley was waiting for her trainee to come to do planning so we deep cleaned their whole house. It was great and much needed that flat was so old and so gross! Then we went and taught Emily, and read Mormon 9 with her and really likened the scriptures unto her and she freaked out cause we mentioned things in a way she had never thought, and it was funny to see her really connect with it so quickly, the power of the Book of Mormon (O le Tusi Mamona-- slowly learning Samoan, thank you Sister Ami) is so real and so incredible. Then Sister Larson, Sister Cobbley's new companion, got there so we went and picked her up, then Sister Ami and I had nothing we can do cause it wasn't our area so we went to their sport night and IT WAS AWESOME!! Haven't played real sports in ages, but lets just say I am not on Islander level of volleyball at all.. So serious for them. 

Saturday we finally got to Renmark! Went shopping and went to teach a lesson, the elders had a referral for us right away it was so awesome!!  We taught her then went to the hospital to visit one of the members there and she is incredible. She served a Mission in Chicago and will always tell us stories!! Its so awesome, she is an angel and is so positive! I think I had to come to Renmark to meet her and have her example in my life! 

Sunday we had church and it was so powerful, I can't even describe it the stake speakers that came are unreal, they brought the spirit in so much and talked about what I had studied in personal study, inspiration and personal revelation is so real, and so needed in the world today! We visited a few less actives and members and it was just an incredible day. 

Best part of the whole week... Scaring Sister Ami.. She gets scared so easily and its so fun to mess with her! I love her, its going to be the best transfer! 

Hopefully emails will work next week so I can share pictures!! Love you all

xoxo Sister Standage


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