basically vacation

Ok. So I feel like my weeks emails lately have been vacation emails, just telling you all the cool stuff I've done cause missionary work hasn't been one of them due to travel, tests, study, weather, etc. Honestly this week isn't much different, except I TAUGHT MY FIRST LESSON THIS TRANSFER... (yeah its more than half over, sad I know) ... and it was a train wreck, keep reading, its actually kinda funny. 

So Monday was district Pday THAT WAS SO AWESOME we went to the Chaffey house and learned about the people that started Mildura, then we went to Orange world which was awesome only because I went into my 4th state on my mission!! I went into New South Wales. Now I have been to South Australia, Northern Territory, Victoria and New South Wales.. Our mission is huge and so diverse, it's so cool though! 

Tuesday was the train wreck of a lesson. So we were on splits with the sisters that serve in Mildura, I was with Sister Manzano and we went to go follow up with one of the sweet girls they are teaching! She is awesome from all the stories I have heard, so we went and she was skeptical to let us in because 1. I wasn't Sister Cobbley and 2. her friend who hates "Mormons" was coming over. but then she thought about it and said, "wait actually this will be fun, come in" so we went in and she sat us down and 100% serious, she just said, "ok whats our game plan, what are we going to say to her, we need to have a plan" I didn't wanna fight with her friend or get in a battle or anything so as she was trying to find something she said, "what do you think" All i said was "sometimes we plan things and the spirit takes the conversation a whole new way, I'm feeling like we should just see how this goes with her." And she died, she was like, "yes, yes, you're so right. I forgot about the power of the spirit." (keep in mind she is not a member but she is acting like she is!) so her friend comes and we just chatted about he plan of salvation and it was really good  and really funny. I don't wanna say they are weird cause we all are weird, but they are kinda out there which makes meeting with her so awesome! sounds like it went good right? yeah well it did if i was a solo missionary.. Sister Manzano didn't say anything, because i was talking so much and she didnt have the chance to because of me... worst companion/STL ever right? I hadn't taught a lesson since I had been in Renmark so my brain kind of forgot everything- don't worry i've repented and am doing better at sharing the teaching again now!

Wednesday we did some service for a member, cutting bamboo down, was kinda fun! then later that night we went to the River to do some street contacting and ran into the cute lady that feeds the possums here (they are nice here in Renmark) so we helped her put the carrots up, after that we just sat on the banks of the Murray for a second, it was our dinner time so we weren't being lazy. But it felt so good to just sit for a second and take it all in Renmark is so beautiful, I love this little small town. 

Thursday RECORD SETTING HEAT!. president said we cant be in the direct sun finding if the temperature is over 40 degrees C. which is a struggle cause it will hit that just about everyday here in Renmark! so we did follow up with people the elders met, ran out of names cause the town is TINY then went to visit some members (not that many of them either)

Friday was one of the members birthdays so we went for a birthday lunch and it was SO GOOD. Then we visited a less active which was really great, she is very receptive to the church and us, but her kids hold her back, which is sad cause there is only 1 primary/youth in the branch WE NEED THE KIDS!!! After her we went to another members house whose birthday was Thursday dropped off some muffins for her. Can i just say the sewing skills, baking/cooking skills, and other skills I've developed on my mission are so cool and so easy!! I mean i had them before but now they are even better! 

Saturday was Australia day but we were told we couldn't really do any of the community events things so it was a very ineffective day. Sounded like fun from all the parties everyone was having though!! Felt like the 4th of July. 

Sunday nothing special, had to give a talk in church, the normal now hey? 

Monday we had to head to Mildura for sister Tokuma's test and interviews. 

Tuesday was so awesome it was zone conference and it was probably the most incredible thing that could have happened. So President has asked us to study a topic for 10 minutes of personal study this time it was the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and prepare a talk. I had a talk and I thought it was really good but it had some holes in it I didn't know what was missing but everytime President would talk and share something it was exactly what was missing!! 

My testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ has grown so much and I am so thankful for it, I don't understand it still. I get the events the what, but I don't understand how. But neither do prophets and apostles and my mission president, so I am not too worried, but that doesn't mean I'm done studying, it's really interesting and studying it really helps everything fall into place in the rest of my life! As you come near to Him and learn of Him he will come near to you. I know that He will always be there for us.

I love you and miss you heaps!! enjoy the cold cause the record setting heat here isn't over yet from what we have heard! 

our car just looked cool.. this is what renmark is. orchards
a cool boat that has been docked at the riverfront for a week, the guy who owns it is the cutest old man and loves talking
the murray river!! I love it! jealous of all the boaters on it
a cool as beetle we found out finding!

xoxo sister standage


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