
ok i have to explain the pictures i forgot what ones i added..

the one of me outside the flat is us cleaning out the cutters and leaves... i had a thick layer of dirt it was so nasty and so visible. 

50 degrees.. ya I am not sure how i'm alive

The ties we made the elders

The cutest dog at the ladies house we had dinner with on Saturday

Saturday morning the same lady we had dinner with had us come over and she bought us hot chocolate.. it was hot (felt hotter than 28) but we were in the sun drinking hot chocolate.. christmas here is so weird. 

our christmas tree full of random gifts from the elders. they always find weird things on the ground and gave them to us we had a jar of them and decided to make them into ornaments.. also our gifts from the mission president and wife (not really them but the members) are keeping our tree alive ;) just kidding. 

the group one is the goodbye party for the Americans going back to school!! it was the funnest thing! 

ok now i'm done. love you all

xoxo sister standage


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