
before i even start, if you don't read the rest of it google PARRTJIMA Alice Springs thats all i ask of you

so sadly I am getting transferred.. i am going to


President knows me so well that I don't need to leave this place ever!! Sister Auatabu and i are both still here, Elder Ostraff and Mattie are still zone leaders, but Elder Wharekura (who just finished training) is our new district leader and is training!! I think he is kind of freaked out but he is a great missionary! Funny and sad news though Tennant Creek closed, last transfer Bush closed so our district/zone is down to 6 missionaries. Us sisters the Zone leaders, the district leader and his comp. its SO SMALL. But it's so good! I love it so much here and am excited to be here another 6 weeks! Crazy thing is... next transfer is Christmas (So start sending all your christmas packages now ;) ) jokes. but time has flown here on the mission! It's so incredible. I am almost at 6 months.. I don't know how I'm gonna handle that!

Anyways this week was great! 
Shout out to the Goellers! There are heaps of Filipinos here, so I think you need to come here for a vacation and fill your bag with american food for me ;) Just kidding don't come here now wait till summer is over next year then come ;) It is hotter than it was in Vietnam when we went and there isn't water to jump in to cool off! ;)

Tuesday we were teaching that cute 10 year old girl and she is so sweet, we were following up on what she remembered from the Plan of Salvation and I died cause her friend said, "yeah I'm scared of dying." but she turns to her friend and says, "Jamie, don't be scared of dying its not the end." This girl gets it, she understands and remembers and is so cute. Only thing is she gets easily distracted, but during this lesson I did too. we actually had to pause the lesson cause it got so bad. but only because IT WAS RAINING! it was such cold rain and it really only drizzled but rain is rain here in alice springs! we take it all! then we went to finish the lesson. we were teaching the 5 steps of the gospel and she was very interested in what step i was on! haha shes so sweet, we are excited to get her to church so that she can really see what its all about! 

Thursday was so funny because we biked all the way out to gillen to see this 10 year old girl, but she couldn't meet us so we biked to north side to dixon road, then to ludgate, then back to dixon, then to madigan, then to the church, then back to our flat. we died. it is getting to about 35 degrees C. man i should have done mountain biking back at home! 

Saturday was the coolest thing ever.. GO LOOK UP PARRTJIMA its incredible and i got to go on saturday!! I'll add my pictures, but man alice springs is so cool. Utah has mountains and we don't do anything as cool as this! c'mon Utah! 

That's about it. I am excited to watch general conference this week, and due to yous all who spoiled things I now have even more questions i have to ponder about during conference!!

Love you all have a good week!! :)

ok i really thought i would be able to add parrtjima photos but the usb isn't working with my phone. i'm the sorry just google its its rad! those photos will be better than mine anyways

xoxo Sister Standage


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