Funny, funny, funny

Really I hate email captions, they are the worst and always so weird so sorry mine are always gonna be terrible. 

This week was funny though a lot of weird but funny things happened. 

Tuesday was beginning to end the funniest day of my mission it started off with the elders calling us and asking, "Sister Standage what did you do when you got bit by a dog?" "Went to the Smiths" "Oh ok" "Why did someone get bitten by a dog?" "Yeah Elder Mattie did" "Oh true, were you on Saltbush?" "YEAH how'd you know?" "haha that's same dog that bit me!" Dear any future missionaries in the Australia Adelaide mission that are blessed enough to serve in Alice Springs DO NOT KNOCK DOOR 8A ON SALTBUSH COURT. unless the dog is inside. It does look friendly but its not and will bite you! Then we were following up with some people and ran into a family that lived in Fiji (where Sister Auatabu grew up), one man drove up and he got out of his car and said it more of a statement than a question but he said, "are you from Kiribati?" she hadn't even said anything else but he just knew. then he proceeded to tell us about a Kiribati family that lives down two streets and we need to go visit them! then we got to teach our cute 10 year old girl we are teaching! I love her and she retains so much, we hadn't seen her in 2 weeks and she remembered almost everything about the first lesson with her! she's incredible! We are still working on the mom, she was interested in the Plan of Salvation a little bit more than the other lessons we have shared and was really keen to the lesson when we started talking about Resurrection. She is opening up and its really cool to see her ask questions as well as her daughter. She said she had gone to church then her daughter freaked out because she wanted to go to church so bad. I think we all need to take a page out of Makayla's book and be jealous of those that go to church! 

Wednesday, President Marquis was in town. He is so funny, he walks out of the chapel as we are waiting for interviews and throws his arms out and says, "how are my girls" then corrects himself as he is still new to mission president words, "how are my sisters" He is so great, and I am so thankful that he lives 10 minutes away from me back at home! 

Thursday was zone conference and was so awesome as zone conferences should be. 

Friday we went to dinner with Shamane who is taking us to all the best places to eat around down every other week, she was so sweet and was so excited to feed us when the meal roster went around she put her name down so many times. So we go out and try new things, friday was mexican food. I just want to say it wasn't really mexican food, but it was as close as Ill get to it here in Australia! It was good though, but after we went to help with a fundraiser for the Ford family here, they were making hangis (a traditional New Zealand food) so Shamane was going to help and we kind of invited ourselves to help as well, we were peeling potatoes and the people whose house we went to started asking us questions and it was SO FUNNY because she asked where i was from I said the states then i said Utah. She immediately asked about polygamists, yikes y'all the only thing people know about home is Mormons and Polygamists! yikes. 

Satuday was pretty great as well, we had dinner with Shamane again (y'all i'm telling you she is incredible, I am so lucky to have been able to be able to teach her) her grandson is in town so she was at a flat and it had a pool they were out there by the pool when we got there but man never have i ever been more tempted on my mission to break a rule. I AM MISSING THE POOL SO MUCH. Everytime we walk to knock on a door with the pool I want to tear up cause its so hot and i wanna jump in!

It was a good week, thank you for the emails that have been sent this week, God definitely knew what I needed from each of you!! love you and miss you all! Have a great week! funny pictures to come next week! You'll all love my model pictures here!

xoxo Sister Standage


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