ET....and go home

ok so thats sister starlings email caption for this week because we got word of an emergency transfer... she is going down to Adelaide 1 week early then on the she goes home.. So... I am now a senior companion and my new companion is Sister Sekona, Sister starling and sister sekona overlap in the airport for about 20 minutes tomorrow afternoon. Its so sad. Sister Starling and I thought we had a whole extra week together. But on Saturday President was here and we had extra interviews and gave us the news... really put an anchor in our otherwise so incredible best day of my mission day. but i cant jump around. back to last week. our pday was the district p day and that was the best. we went to the desert park but that wasn't even the good part we just got to hang out with the elders. there are no other sisters here. And honestly thats the best thing ever, these elders are actually pretty cool and only sometimes very annoying. ;) But it was awesome. I love Alice Springs.

We had zone conference on friday and that was literally all for me. exactly what i needed to hear. everything tethered straight to me. President Marquis Is literally the most inspired man and I am so happy he is my mission president because God knew I needed him and his wife here. There are a lot of changes and the President Parker missionaries are all freaking out which i think is so funny because I don't think I would have survived as a missionary under President Parker for very long. He is great, he was great for the 3 weeks that I was with him and I love him and his wife so much. His rules were perfect for the mission when he came in, he cleaned it up and made it a much more obedient mission which is good and what it needed, but now its time to loosen up a little and that is what President marquis is doing. He believes in natural consequences and so do I. I think we are going to get along great for these next 18 months! :) 

Then saturday was the best and worst day of my mission. We had Shamane's Baptism, man that was the most incredible thing ever the spirit was so strong and Shamane is incredible, she walked herself into church for the first time then we met her, she resolved her own concerns about the word of wisdom after just hearing a talk in church. She is the most incredible woman around honestly and i am honored to have gotten to teach her and help her understand more of the gospel because after each lesson we would bear testimony and after sister starling and I did then Shamane would as well. it was always the most touching thing and made me cry a few times. surprise surprise i know. ;) But i do love her and am excited for her future here in the Alice Springs Branch!! Literally right after President had interviews with us and told us the news Sister starling leaving a week early and me becoming an Alice Springs Trainer... yikes.. wish me luck! President is putting a lot of trust in me right now. But I am going to do great! :)

Also we can use our smart phones completely now.. that's fun (for everyone else) I am still very much against it, but i do love having all gospel library at my fingertips again. plus another perk is that I can read my emails any day. so PLEASE EMAIL ME. ;)

Honestly a lot more happened this week but my brain only remembers zone conf, the baptism, the ET interviews and thats about it.

JUST KIDDING. other big news we found this super cool american that works out at the base named Matt. We told him we would bring him a BOM and we finally got around to it and he was home and said he knew Brother Lopez from the ward. we chatted, dropped the book off and left planning on talking to brother lopez later. sunday comes and MATT COMES TO CHURCH. what the.. he was kinda keen but i didn't think he would be so keen to already come to church. miracles are happening.. i love you all

xoxo sister standage



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