Boat Races minus the Water...

This week was wild. but here are a few highlights.

Monday we were visiting Irene, she said a million times, "You are never here long enough" and man is she right. I hope to stay in Alice Springs forever. So if I ever hear my name not in Alice Springs Sisters on the transfer call I will call President up and put Irene on the phone.. ;) just kidding I know God calls us to the places we are supposed to go to, but I also know God will never want me to leave Alice Springs!

Tuesday was so so sad. Sister Starling left.. I bawled. I love her and she really did teach me so many things and she is my second companion that I have killed.. But she had work to do in Adelaide and she is prime marriage age so she needs to go to BYU this fall to find her husband ;) But I was now training Sister sekona, so we went town finding for a little bit and ran into the woman. She is from Annabella, which is in South Australia, which is a long ways away for y'all who don't know. But she was in Alice Springs, we started talking and she said she had been praying for someone to come help her. and Sister Sekona and I showed up we started talking and turns out she knew megan from down in Adelaide who I got to help teach and watch her get baptized! They were cousins. I should have known though all the aboriginals are related somehow. But she was such a cool lady and loved us so much she wants us to teach her the lessons over the phone, she didn't want other missionaries.. haha cutest lady and such a good experience! 

Thursday we attended a Catholic Tea party on accident.. we were door knocking and they were all getting together, they invited us in and told us to stay so we had a really good conversation about God and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. And those ladies were so incredible. i love them and was so happy that we were at the right place at the right time to be able to join them.

Saturday was a great day though... So turns out Alice springs has this thing called Henley on Todd... and they have a parade that we got to be in which was cool but the best part is there are boat races.... heres the catch... the Todd River has been dry for 20+ years. so everyone makes these PVC pipe boats and runs in the river bed. The Elders raced in a Meet the Mormons boat.. it was the funniest thing ever. But what's even better is Sister Sekona and shoveled dirt into a barrel.. literally no reasoning behind it they just do that for fun here in alice. There were a whole heap of things they did. you should google it. cause it was huge it made national news here in Australia. Henley on Todd Boat Races. Send me pics and articles if you find any!! It was such a good time. I'll send videos too! SUCH A FUN DAY. Alice is so weird but thats what I love about it! Also after shoveling dirt in a bin your lungs will be full of dust and your arms will be sore as.. man it was fun though. so excited for next year! ;) 

Yesterday after church we went to visit this less active in the branch. we showed up she said come sit come sit, lets pray i want to talk to you. So we did. This woman is the most incredible woman and has the best wisdom in the world! She said the only reason she doesn't come to church is cause she feels like she doesn't need it cause she is happy and has a good relationship with god. So we talked to her for awhile and she literally just taught us so much and shared so much and gave us fruit and aloe vera and was just so happy. She doesn't need church to teach her and enlighten her but man church and everyone needs her wisdom. (yeah i know she needs the sacrament too ok) 

It was a good week. A hard week. A trial filled week, but a good week. I know that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, and if we feel that way you just have to pray to him and ask him for some help. He won't leave you alone to lead out an area you have barely just gotten to yourself. He will help. He never breaks a promise or lets a prayer go unanswered. (That's some of the wisdom robyn shared with us)

Love you all heaps.

ill figure it out for next week for sure!! 

xoxo Sister Standage


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