2 months?

Its been 2 months since I've been on my mission?? Technically longer than that cause the MTC but I have been in Australia for 2 months..

This week was a good one. We are emailing tuesday cause of the holidays in the Northern Territory.. yesterday was picnic day. and town was dead. except all the tourists..heaps of them around.. but its funny. i love the holidays here they have heaps of weird ones like beanie day.. ya its a thing..

anyways we met this sweet lady and she is basically Sarah Isch, but from Africa honestly. we walked in and i kind of freaked out because she had just had a baby, they both talk the same and look alike.. weirdest but coolest thing. I have cousin look alikes here in Alice! ;) She is such a sweet lady but we are talking with her and have such a hard time actually teaching her. sister starling and i are studying how to begin teaching so we can teach her better. but her baby is adorable so ill definitely be going around her house when we can ;)

We are trying to work more with the youth but we don't have google at our fingertips... so help a girl out. what are good youth missionary activity ideas. both yw and ym??? PLEASE google ideas for me :)

Saturday we went to visit one of the Recent Converts Faye...she is the sweetest but she is staying at a hostel type thing and one of the guys there is named Morris he is so funny he loves jesus though. he joined us last time for our lesson and this time he was lounging on the couch when we left and just so casually he was like "Bye Jesus' when Sister Starling and i were leaving. it was hilarious. After that we went door knocking and met this sweet girl that is probably the same age as I am, but we had an instant lesson with her and it was the most incredible thing ever. We sat down at their table outside (Cause everyone here has couches and tables and everything outside cause it never rains) but we sat down an talked about the BOM, she had one cause she had met the elders before. She also said she wanted to come back to church to really fill in those gaps she had in her life.. how incredible is that? Updates on her to come when we see her again.

Sunday we met Matt. He's from texas working at the base out here he just got here as well and was so sweet and we talked for awhile. He doesn't seem to old but he has worked in so many different places for the military so i thought that was pretty cool. we chatted for a little while and he told us to drop a book of mormon by so he could read it. haha ok? yeah we can do that for sure! incredible people.. not a lot of other military americans give us a welcome like that its usually, " yeah i'm going to go back to sleep now bye" but best part about sunday was it was fast sunday so we wanted a good dinner right? sister starling attempted pancakes from scratch following the recipes we were given and man.. they were terrible.. we need new pancake recipes so if you wanna help out with that too that'd be much appreciated! ;)

we are on the final count down with sister starling before she goes to Adelaide on the 19th, and then home on the 24th.. man killing companions isn't too fun. but at least i know i'll be in alice next transfer cause they never flush alice sisters! :)

it was a good week and i know god is watching out for me cause i got sick. but was able to bounce right back up and get going even stronger than before. i love alice springs and the people really are family here. I keep thinking i want to move back when i am done because the branch family here really is a family and they are wonderful people! God knows what he is doing when he puts us places.

scripture to read this week is Jacob 5:22

i love you all so much, pictures next week.

xoxo sister standage

this is the schwalger family and shamane and steve.. shamane is our investiagor right now and is the most incredible human ever! and the schwalgers.. well i wouldn't mind being adopted into their family. i love them! (jt youre a lot like tui the one in the front. and the two other guys in the back are going to cali and vegas soon i wish you could go be with them youd like em a lot)


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