yall it has been such a good week i don't even know what i did to deserve it, but i'm blessed.
ATTENTION. I leave monday morning, i knew a few of y'all were gonna sent packages, but I am out of the MTC at 8:45 am so I probably won't get them. love y'all though. feel free to use amazon australia to send me something! ;)

sunday sister randall and I were asked to be STLs. so go us. STLs for a week. haha killing it. Then we watched missions are forever by elder holland and he literally pounded the podium. so unless i die i will be in the land down under until next november. 

monday we taught a new TRC investigator named jacqui. shes super old and super cute. i love her and am so happy that we got to teach her she is definetely mormon but ya know the practice is good. also more homework for yall is to study the words of the current prophet. start at the beginning of nelson being an apostle and go to his most current. i have loved it and have a long way to go. send me thoughts and comments. please. 

tuesday was so sad because the boys in our zone left, but their mission is Salt Lake City East so they drove 30 minutes and were in their mission. ahaha so funny. but sad. bless them. they were so fun and we always ate with them and played knock out, even though they cheated i still love them. and miss them, but are so happy they are out doing the Lords work now. At devo that night we had Elder Costa come, he talked to us about knowing Christ. How well do you know Christ? Really think about this week. what can you do to come closer to him in your life? I have really been thinking about it this week and I want to have that brotherly relationship with Christ, so I really do feel comfortable calling him my brother. 

wednesday was even more rough, we said good bye to our sisters in the zone, going to nampa, idaho and anchorage, Alaska. They are incredible and so strong, sister watanabe is such a light in my life but i know she is going to kill it. sister fairbanks went to alaska and that sister is incredible to, she is so caring and man is alaska lucky, (ash look out for her while youre up there and tell her sister standage loves her) we also read 3rd nephi 11 and brother danner made us put ourselves into it. and i have never felt the spirit so strong, i encourage y'all to read that and really put yourself into it, think of your hometown being destroyed, think of you standing in line to meet the Savior, put yourself into doing God's work. After that we went to the Joseph Smith Mural and talked about what we can do to be better missionaries and better serve God. I thought of my YMAD life lenses and chose some for my mission. Caring, Aware, and Confident. Caring enough to share God's Gospel, aware enough to know what part of his teachings, and confident enough to do it everyday. Thank you YMAD for teaching me that. ALSO HOLLA. we got all of our investigators to be baptized. ok not exactly true, one said he needed to know better that the Priesthood was true and in our lesson I think we did that pretty well. So he didn't officially say yes, but he never said no. Wednesday night we also go our new missionaries and they are so sweet and quiet and its the funniest thing of my life. They have warmed up a little, but only 2 of the elders hang out with us on a regular basis. also bless cause there is another 21 year old now! THANK YOU ELDER CURTIS. i can breathe again and get a little "mature conversation" which actually is the best thing. 

thursday helped one of the teachers be "tested" so to say for her interview, we did something so simple but the most incredible thing happened. we just bore simple testimony of the book of mormon, then found a scripture and bore testimony of that, we were rotating around the room and Elder Norman and I were matched up last. he had a scripture cause we had been doing this for awhile, he decided to switch last minute. he flipped to helaman 5:12 and he read it and started bearing testimony. he started to tear up and so did i. the spirit was so strong. Afterwards the sweet teacher came over and asked what elder norman was feeling. he said i don't know. and I said i was feeling the spirit so strong. Then i bore my testimony and the spirit was so strong and i talked about the reasons i was on a mission and everyone went silent and was listening to me. It was so spiritual and i have never felt more comforted in my life. I am blessed for my district.  afterwards we were hanging out as a district and we practiced singing come thou fount since we are doing a special music number on sunday. and again i was in tears. no surprise to anyone but it was so spiritual I couldn't help but tear up. 

Friday we had our Final TRC with Jaqui. I LOVE HER. she is so great, and she again is definitely Mormon. but ya know i still feel good that she wanted to be baptized. that night was the BE ONE DEVO. if you didn't watch it. PLEASE GO NOW. it was the most incredible thing. Elder nelson and I were in heaven! The music was spiritual, but not our normal conference center music. (Also Ashleigh Davis will you please message jake Smith from Alta the one we hung out with with the bros) and tell him he is incredible and I was so excited to see him up there with the choir! After that got out we said a zone prayer which was the greatest thing of my life. but as soon as we finished the district of poly elders walked out singing and oh man is that a sight and sound to see. They need to do a musical number so bad i would be in heaven. 

Today we woke up and went to the temple that was awesome cause we got our whole new zone to come too. they are great. as we walked out we got brother danner to come bring is cute baby who just turned one so we could see her. please pray for me for the next 18 months not being able to hold kids! RIP. after that we went and got sack lunch then went up to the field for some sand volleyball.. that was the best decision ever. it was so fun. sister creer and elder curtis and i had the bump set spike. we are just hanging doing laundry now emailing. then we have our last class tonight.

ok shout out real quick to my baby will turning 2 last week, also happy birthday to you Erin Weiler (today i am pretty sure)
also so sorry i missed them forever ago kade jensen (aust tell him i said happy birthday) and also to buddy a little bit ago. love you all. 

xoxo sister standage 


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