lowest low, highest high

YALL this week has been a wild one. its another novel of a email so skip to where i talk about sunday if you aren't gonna read it all... cause i know most of you dont. ;)

so last monday we had a lesson after pday ended, it went so well, but the funny thing was that Jarvis (one of the members in the branch) came to the lesson. but afterwards he comes back up to me and said, he knew he knew me somehow cause i looked so familiar. a cute sister that had just gotten home that i was able to go to breakfast with before i left had send our selfie to him and he had it on his snapchat... funniest thing! so the members in the branch knew me and had seen me before i even got here! also that night we had FHE and we played spoons.. literally so fun! elder kuchler cheats like no ones business, but its fine hes a great missionary thats all that matters right? 

tuesday i got to spend a lot of time with victoria square because sister b had to do trainings. I LOVE sister brooks and lousi! they are literally the best, so funny and australian so i actually feel like i am in australia when i am with them! i was back with sister b when we got a call from ting jo one of our investigators that just got home from china. she called us and said she wanted to meet. so we were in chinatown which is literally as far from the branch building as you can get so we booked it from there all the way to the branch! wow such a work out! afterwards we had dinner and she is the most awkward cutest asian ever. i love her so much. that night we went ministering to visit the mawson lake sisters but when we showed up both the sisters had thought id been out a year... uhhh no sorry just about 2 weeks in the field. so funny. glad i don't look like a little 19 year old. BLESS

Wednesday was district meeting, i smashed it. we talked about the 4th missionary and i had been studying that talk for about 2 weeks now.. haha yeah its great! but we did that then our role play was incredible honestly sister b and i have such unity when we teach it was incredible. Elder Shum usually tells us the things we need to fix but neither him or Elder Hawkins really had anything to fix. we are becoming master teachers and i love it! we have on less active recent convert that we met with later that day that basically told us she didn't like coming to church because she felt like everyones experiences were brainwashing her.. but she loves going to school to learn about philosophy.. we have a resource we are going to use that is going to help us teach her, but his main point was how come church is brainwash but school is good.. i'm kinda excited to see how this goes.. pray for us cause kathy is a little wild. but she keeps us on our toes. after that i went back with victoria square again cause sister b had to work on applications and things, but the incredible churro man from rundle mall(where we can't buy anything or go on ever unless we are in a trio or quad--i don't remember if i have explained that or not) but he sent a man over to us with a chocolate and a card for a free coffee.. i was so happy i couldn't have any of what he gave me but we found out from his card  THERE IS A SHOP. I CAN BUY A CHURRO NOT ON RUNDLE MALL. y'all if i could send smells over email you'd be in heaven honestly! it was a good day with those sisters.  cant say it enough how much i love them. 

thursday wasn't too crazy but i got to go again with victoria square and we bonded so much. one of them better be my next trainer! but wild thing was we only had an hour of finding planned and we got in the miracle zone, we got 5 peoples numbers in under an hour. it was so incredible! sister b was on fire meeting everyone. i really lucked out with my trainer. 

friday was arrivers training 2 and i was so excited, but it was also so hard because all my cute mtc district wasn't there! only via skype but i didn't even get to talk to them. i hope they are doin good. but the training was incredible. president and sister parker are wonderful and i'm sad they are leaving but im excited to meet the marquis as well! only a few more days! after that we went into the city and got in the miracle zone again cause we were so pumped from training we got so many potentials! it was so incredible. work hard and you see the results.

saturday oh man saturday was a good day. we had city meeting and they recorded our role play which wasn't good cause i cried sharing my testimony.. surprise ya ya. but its fine. the spirit was so strong though it was wild! we went to a baptism with our investigators which didn't really help them have an excitement for baptism cause they had a new priesthood holder from the branch baptize and he hadn't done it before so it was a little rough both anna and zoe looked at sister b and i and asked if we could be in the water to help them...hahah i think we need to teach the priesthood a little bit better to them... but it was good. 


sunday. sunday sunday. literally the best day in the mission ever. i know i am only a few weeks in but i literally don't think any day can beat this day. we started at church where the parkers gave their final goodbye talks at the branch it was so powerful and so wonderful to hear the background of the branch (that is soon going to be a ward!!) but that was incredible, but afterwards there is a cute girl i met on instagram before i came on my mission ida white. SHE WAS AT CHURCH. Pres and Sister parker were her mission president and wife too. so i talked to her and found out that we actually were social media friends so i was so glad to meet her and talk to her. what is wild is that she was the first sister companionship in the city. i think it was incredible for her to come back and see how much its grown since she was here. there wasn't even a branch when she was here so she was in awe. shes so cute though! she introduced me to her husband and he is islander so he went in for the hug kiss thing they do cause my nametag was covered by my hair.. oh man the raucous that happened in that hallway was the funniest thing. he was so embarrassed! we shook hands a moved on! but they also had some friends there that i met and made fun of me for being from utah. surprise. that never happens.... NOT. y'all utah is the bud of every joke here. but its fine because i'm gonna go visit them in new zealand when i am done with my mission we are best friends now. :) after that we went finding and found our potential on the street talking to the other sisters. we were going to meet her at 4 and it was 3 she was an hour early.. i love her. her name is preet and she is from the city with the golden temple (i cant remember how to spell it) BUT SHE IS INDIAN AND SHE IS SO KEEN! I AM SO EXCITED we taught her lesson 0 or about godhead and prayer and oh man she was so interested in what was going on and remembered basically every word sister b and i shared with her. SHE IS SO SMART AND ACCEPTED OUR BAPTISM INVITATION. SHE IS GETTING BAPTIZED IN 3 WEEKS. AND SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO ALL WEEK SO WE CAN MEET WITH HER EVERYDAY. AND SHE SAID SHED MAKE ME SOME INDIAN FOOD. SO I WANTED TO CRY I WAS SO HAPPY. y'all i know why im in the city. i have to find all these cute indians here. they can talk loud so i can hear them! oh man i am just so excited while typing this i have made a million mistakes! hahah this is such a cool experience and i really think she is wanting to be baptized as soon as possible she just soaked everything in! AHHH BEST THING EVER! I LOVE PREET! oh man im happy, but the good day didn't end there we had a lesson with zoe at 5 but she called us at like 4:40 and we met her. she whips out 2 bags of skittles from her bag and says Happy Birthday Sister Standage... I LOVE HER. she is so cute. and we defintely have a better relationship after going to lunch with her and going to the baptism as well! we taught her the rest of the restoration and i can tell her faith is growing! we then went to evening sacrament with her where Elder Messer made me talk. i talked about helaman 5:12 and thought about elder norman and his testimony of it the whole time! i love him! and miss him, someone email him and tell him that! ;) then we had mandarin class. I AM LEARNING. i wasn't the worst in class today. so bless for that! but i still get made fun of no matter where i go so its fine. yesterday it was cause i had the skittles in my bag i got called a fat american (elder lam is just the nicest guy around right) but we were learning numbers and how to ask for their phone number in mandarin.. i forgot the real sentence but i can say the numbers now. sister saoloto and i excelled. Elder Li was so impressed with me and i think that is harder than finding an aussie that will actually stop and talk to you so i felt pretty good about myself. but i mean after the day i had nothing was going to get me down. literally best birthday eve of my life. 

this morning that cute sister i had met on insta that served here. her and her husband got us brekkie and dropped it off for us for a birthday breakfast. I am so thankful they are here this weekend to say bye to the parkers because i love them and they are just so thoughtful! so had some maccas for brekkie this morning.. i'm trying to catch onto the lingo here but its not really sticking. i still get made fun of all the time for calling the rubbish bin a garbage can. thats the most common one..

happy birthday tomorrow josh or i guess in 2 days for you cause its still sunday at home. but now im technically older than 11 hours older than you right cause i'm a day ahead? ;) haha just kidding. 

well we took pictures but it always takes too long to add them cause sister b is slow to put them on her email..

so no pics this week

xoxo sister standage
i love you all so much and miss you so much!


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