Almost outta here

Ok y'all. I am killin it here at the MTC Sunday was good. So busy but so good. We had a devotional by the MTC president and his wife it was super good but if I'm being honest I only remember the character of Christ video we watched after. It was so good. All missionaries need to go to work. Amen preach and that's what we did this week. 

Monday was our first TRC aka real investigator. Her name was Jasmine and I love her but she was a royal pain she wouldn't let us talk about anything we had planned and I mean it was good she was asking questions but she's super smart (English Major) and I didn't know how to answer her questions so we tried bringing it back into the BOM but she'd take it right back to the bible. Such a bad lesson. Sister Randall got super discouraged after that for a good 24 hours which was tough cause nothing was good enough after that. 

Tuesday we had one of the 12 come. 1st Tuesday devo and guess who shows up?! ELDER RASBAND. umm ok that's the coolest thing. He talked about really listening to the words of President Nelsons talk from conference. So homework for y'all. Read his conference talk and share your thoughts. Cause we are trying to study it and I want different perspectives. (If ya can send it in a DearElder so I can have a paper copy to use) 

On Wednesday sister Randall and I went to all the murals around the MTC and oh man are they pretty or what?! 1 the parting the red sea is my fave photo. 2 they had one for my mission scripture. Esther 4:14. Also about Esther Sister Martino used that scripture in one of our workshops. Y'all I've never heard of anyone using that scripture to mean what I did before so that was way cool. God's way of saying even though I'm with these punk 18 19 year olds I am in a good place. 

Thursday brother trautman (aka my fave teacher EVER) we practiced teaching on him, which was so good cause he got the ball rolling on asking though provoking questions. And man after that sister Randall and I were on a roll and the next 24 hours we were popping out good questions left and right. We even got Kai one of our super stubborn investigators to commit to prayer. But he actually wasn't that stubborn. But sister Randall and i were stubborn in what we wanted him to do instead of focusing on his time. After we focused on moving at his timeline he started progressing so bless that. 

Also going back to Jasmine. Our second lesson was tough but the 3rd was so good. We finally got to talk and teach her. Her next step before she's going to make any progress is prayer she didn't commit to pray but she commited to having an open heart to it. So she's on her way. God bless Jasmine. 

Also this week for exercise time we have gotten our whole district which is only 17 people right now cause we didn't get new people last week. But anyways almost all of us play knockout. It gets so competitive. Brother Nelson cheats like no ones business. But it's so fun. Bragging moment. I won yesterday cause I drained 6/7 of the shots I made from the free throw line. Winning the game. I am so incredible or these elders suck. I think I'm incredible cause they are actually really good. 

It's been a good week we got asked to host the new missionaries on wednesday so excited for that hopefully i get sister meline. We also got our flight plans which means we have our visas. So we are getting out of here next Monday the 4th. So this is the last full week at the MTC so excited but also sad. Cause we aren't travelling with some of our district. So our goodbyes are gonna be sunday night. We fly to San Fran then Auckland then Adelaide. So Danny boy I'm going to your homeland. Too bad you won't be there till September. Rip. Oh well couldn't leave the airport anyways. 

Our district is so close now. And I love it  our elders are the greatest and I hope to serve with them in the field. Elder Norman is this country hick boy from Springville and just look at the picture of him at the bottom it will tell you so much about what I deal with everyday. 

Well that's about if for now folks. Please keep sending emails and dear elders. I love it ❤ (no treats though cause this mtc food is bad enough for me) 

Xoxo Sister Standage 

1. Elder Norman 
2. My super cute super white companion 😉


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