e n d o w m e n t

"I love to see the temple, I'll go inside some day"
I know everyone always says that, but I went today and it was incredible.
I went down to the Manti temple to receive my endowments. It was an awesome experience. My mom was my escort, and I was in tears so many times. surprise surprise right? NOT. The spirit was so strong from the second I said my name to the sisters helping me. The initiatories were the coolest part! That is something I am so excited to do over and over! It won't be for me, but I will still feel it. Can't say alot about my experience because we aren't supposed to talk about the temple outside of the temple. I can say that it was a unique experience with it being a live session. And I'm excited to go to basically every other temple, cause it will feel as if I am doing it for the first time.

There were two other girls receiving their endowments as well. One was going to Brazil and one was just getting them out I think.. I'm not quite sure, but they were so sweet! As well as the sister who greeted me at the door since we were 25 minutes late.. (another not surprise. standage standard time) she was so happy and sweet and helped me so much! She really helped kinda brush the worries away. Her smile was so infectious, and i loved it. Also the Sister who was helping me at the end. I really wish i remembered their names, but for the life of me i cannot. Though, I definitely won't forget them, they were so sweet and I am so thankful for them! Maybe I'll see them down in the Manti temple again someday, cause I do hope to go again!

I was lucky to have family and friends around me. Mom, Dad, Taylor, Q, Millie, Ryan, Dale, Bishop Shields, Alyssa, and Allie came down. They all made the trek down to Manti which was awesome and I'm so grateful for!

xoxo jordie

Manti, Utah
11:30 a.m.
March 24, 2018


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