dress shopping

Can i just disclaimer this post with this message: I know it doesn't matter what you're wearing on your mission. But for me when I look good and presentable I am productive and feel confident. If I look like a scrub I act like a scrub. I dress to impress myself not others just to make this clear. I know I'm not the only one with these thoughts, so I thought I'd share.

If I'm being honestly one of the biggest and only worries in preparing for my mission was losing a sense of style on the mission. I am fine flying half way across the world, spending time away from loved ones, etc. But this actually worried me, and I feel like this this is worse than school dance dress shopping (cause we all know that's a huge stress in hs) , and slightly less worse than wedding dress shopping (and we all know that this is a huge concern in real life haha).

There is nothing wrong with the way the girls in the pamphlet dressed that's totally fine, its just not my style. Neither are all the floral dresses that are so common now. They are cute, just again not my style. So what did i do immediately after i got my mission call? started the hunt for appropriate cute sister missionary clothes.  Guys girls I FOUND SOME. so many actually.  These were some of the shops i looked at got things from with a few specific dresses/skirts i got/will be getting/want to get:

favorite shop by far. honestly i think i got almost every dress that was missionary appropriate.. I'm not even kidding. 

I'm obsessed with Roolee, have been since it started honestly. Cute everything I recommend it for shoes, accessories, dresses, cardigans, literally everything. 
and honestly that's just the beginning I have so many dresses from Roolee, and want to own every other one!

cute dresses, not all missionary approved. but a few are and i love em.
(The Bailey DressJersey Girl DressThe Gracie Dress)

another shop i love and visit way too often.

This shop is so cute and professional. 

this shop was almost closed out before I even looked at it. but then i found a few dresses on here. They aren't my favorite, but I think i'll be happy I have them in the humidity of australia. 

this was another few and far between but it has some cute blouses

This shop is so cute and has a great cause(s) that it helps.

i think my favorite dress i got so far is from this shop

If you're curious about this shop leave a message for me I can help you find the good stuff, cause honestly it's few and far between but there are some hidden gems. I focused on shirts at this shop

If y'all have any other shops to add let me know and I'll throw them on here to help future sisters. Also my dresses specifically are aimed for the humid hot climate of Australia, but these sites definitely have other dresses for colder climates.

Also I haven't tackled the shoes yet. but don't worry I will soon and i'll keep you updated.

if you want to get to know me better check out my other posts. if you want to keep updated on my future posts click that subscribe button for email updates.

xoxo sister standage


  1. I really like the Vienna dress! It's only $15 but almost sold out :( no longer available in my size :(


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