
today was the longest and greatest day of my life.
it started out me getting ready for church and the opening. cleaning curlin hair ya know the sunday morning norm.
I went to church for an hour and half then went up to SLC with Kylee to watch the worldwide devotional with Elder Uchtdorf and his wife. It was unreal. We got there at 4 the doors opened at 4:30 we ran into cute Brother and Sister Turner and chatted for a little. Then we went in. For some miracle tim got us front row seats. I was literally only behind the family rows and was in shock the whole time. I was so close to Elder Uchtdorf I was honestly star struck. The devotional was great and so spiritually enlightening, but then after it was over Uchtdorf came down in the crowd and was shaking hands and I got to shake his cute wifes hand and touch him. Honestly he is my favorite and I love him so much.

After that we booked our butts up to my house cause I AM OPENING MY MISSION CALL. i got home a little after 8:30 (sorry y'all had to wait for me but that's better so i wasn't so antsy)

I honestly was in shock at how many people came. I literally thought maybe 30. 40 max. Rob said there were easily 80 people there. I am still shook and so thankful for the people in my life that got me to where I could be opening my mission call..

Well the good stuff now. I am going to Adelaide, Australia on May 16 I head to the Provo MTC and will be speaking English!

So if y'all wanna hang out before May 16 call me up, cause I'll be around!

Thank you all who came, and helped me, and love me. I honestly don't know where I would be today without you

xoxo Sister Standage


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