Gods in the Details

Wow what a week, let me tell ya. Thursday we had lunch with a lady who lives at an old members address and we became best friends!! She loves sewing and is so sweet, we made plans to come back and bring a recent convert who is EXPLODING to share the gospel. She is powerful, they both are and I think together they are going to be best friends in and outside of church! We then delivered the church invitations that the sweet returning member we are working with wrote, got a few of them handed out which was awesome! Then at our last drop off, she was actually home. And she's caught up on the church on conference, and devotionals and everything, but cant be bothered to come to church... BUT we scared her into coming on accident!! She's like all about emergency preparedness and it's awesome, so I mentioned that General Conferwnce they talked about the Second Coming and how they said "Time is running out" and that scared her so bad, not enough to come to church this ...