Boat Races minus the Water...

This week was wild. but here are a few highlights. Monday we were visiting Irene, she said a million times, "You are never here long enough" and man is she right. I hope to stay in Alice Springs forever. So if I ever hear my name not in Alice Springs Sisters on the transfer call I will call President up and put Irene on the phone.. ;) just kidding I know God calls us to the places we are supposed to go to, but I also know God will never want me to leave Alice Springs! Tuesday was so so sad. Sister Starling left.. I bawled. I love her and she really did teach me so many things and she is my second companion that I have killed.. But she had work to do in Adelaide and she is prime marriage age so she needs to go to BYU this fall to find her husband ;) But I was now training Sister sekona, so we went town finding for a little bit and ran into the woman. She is from Annabella, which is in South Australia, which is a long ways away for y'all who don't know. But she was in A...