Book of Mormon

Gday (I hope you know no one really says that here) Thursday was zone conference. And it was all about Baptism and the Book of Mormon the 2 biggest things for missionaries. All transfer (or zone conference to zone conference) we study a topic this time it was baptism. President Marquis randomly (as directed by the spirit) calls on missionaries to talk as we have all prepared a 10 minute talk on it. And what do ya know I got called up. I talked about my baptism the day before the 4th of July and the whole state of Utah was celebrating my baptism with parades and BBQ, and fireworks. Cause it's such a super cool thing to be baptized right? (Well it is but 4th of July was also the next day so...) but it was great, that was my 3rd talk I've given at a zone conference. Maybe my last(?). It was all really good and a great boost to go out and share the Book of Mormon really "thrusting in the sickle" but we were asked by the assistants to prepare a 5 minute mini lesson on a t...