basically vacation

Ok. So I feel like my weeks emails lately have been vacation emails, just telling you all the cool stuff I've done cause missionary work hasn't been one of them due to travel, tests, study, weather, etc. Honestly this week isn't much different, except I TAUGHT MY FIRST LESSON THIS TRANSFER... (yeah its more than half over, sad I know) ... and it was a train wreck, keep reading, its actually kinda funny. So Monday was district Pday THAT WAS SO AWESOME we went to the Chaffey house and learned about the people that started Mildura, then we went to Orange world which was awesome only because I went into my 4th state on my mission!! I went into New South Wales. Now I have been to South Australia, Northern Territory, Victoria and New South Wales.. Our mission is huge and so diverse, it's so cool though! Tuesday was the train wreck of a lesson. So we were on splits with the sisters that serve in Mildura, I was with Sister Manzano and we went to go follow up with one of the s...