I'll be back
So I'm sure you all can guess what happened. The worst day of my mission so far :( I am being transferred. We got our packing calls on Saturday and when they said sister standage packing my heart sank and I cried all the tears my body had. I was so sad to leave this place they are quite literally family to me. But I'll be back I can feel it. But this week was probably the coolest one ever!! Also sorry my email last week didnt send. I can't send group ones from my phone apparently?! Ya idk why. But anyways I hope you read both of these. Well for Christmas eve all of us missionaries got to spend the day with the McMullins and Copelands two of the sweetest families here! We went into town and handed our cards, cookies and water. Cause no one here needs hats and gloves! Haha but that was really cool and also really funny cause so many people said no to free water.. I dont think I've ever done that. But after we had dinner and played games. It was fun having all of us there...