
Showing posts from March, 2018

e n d o w m e n t

"I love to see the temple, I'll go inside some day" I know everyone always says that, but I went today and it was incredible. I went down to the Manti temple to receive my endowments. It was an awesome experience. My mom was my escort, and I was in tears so many times. surprise surprise right? NOT. The spirit was so strong from the second I said my name to the sisters helping me. The initiatories were the coolest part! That is something I am so excited to do over and over! It won't be for me, but I will still feel it. Can't say alot about my experience because we aren't supposed to talk about the temple outside of the temple. I can say that it was a unique experience with it being a live session. And I'm excited to go to basically every other temple, cause it will feel as if I am doing it for the first time. There were two other girls receiving their endowments as well. One was going to Brazil and one was just getting them out I think.. I'm not qui...